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June 15th, 2012

[info]theflamingsword in [info]colligo_network

Right then. Today was a right fucking headache. I don't know about anyone else, but I could use a drink. Or several. Actually, yes, several sounds good. Fantastic really. Abso-bloody-lutely fantastic. Maybe if I drink enough, I can forget about the idiots I've had to deal with today. Unlikely, but it's still possible. Humans really can be idiots, can't they? Don't worry, it's not your faults. It's a human thing. And it's not like it's all of you. Just a distressingly large majority.

Crowley )

[info]moreblood in [info]colligo_network

I can't believe this. I never thought it would happen. I don't know what I was thinking. I thought I could protect her.

[info]notmrpond in [info]colligo_network

Just bloody perfect. Not only was I supposed to go home three hours ago, but now instead of working one twelve hour shift this weekend, I have to work two because one of the other nurses didn't show up today and they asked me to cover her shifts. As if I want to spend all my time at the clinic. I do have a life, you know and I would like to do something besides checking blood pressure and taking temperatures twenty four bloody seven.

[info]butiwaswrong in [info]colligo_network

So, it occurred to me that today is a nice day and I want to take a walk. I'm going to take Squeaky for a walk, so he can see what a nice day it is too. We'll be at the park, if anyone wants to join. Squeaky loves to meet new people, so don't be shy. Come on out.

[info]classicrockkid in [info]colligo_network

Yeah, and screw you too.

[info]likeyourwheels in [info]colligo_network

This place is chocked full of Grade-A moron. I'd like to see the blueprint Asaph used to make the locals because there's a serious screw loose in even the most efficient models.

"Because shut up" is a perfectly reasonable explanation of why I want them to do something.

[info]holmesianmodel in [info]colligo_network

Man, I have a serious craving for waffles. This week has been something else. Hey John, we should go do something fun. Like go eat waffles. There's a place that has waffles, right? A diner or something?

Tomorrow I think I might have a movie marathon, but I haven't picked out a topic yet. Maybe Jimmy Stewart movies, I love Jimmy Stewart movies. I met him once, he was so awesome.

Anyone want to come over for it?

[info]ilovetherunning in [info]colligo_network

Right. So I'm on another planet I can't leave, that I didn't ask to visit in the first place, occasionally bouts of utter madness happen for no reason whatsoever, the guards in the library are rather handsy and not much for conversation, and the bloke running the place is related to some sort of god. I'll get a touch of cash - Earth currency or, more specifically, American, apparently - if I take this device by the local bank and I've also been given a flat to stay in for however long my kidnapping lasts.

Oh! Almost forgot. There's every possibility I've been here before but just don't remember it, even if that should be more than a bit unlikely.

That's most all of it, yeah? Did I miss anything?