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May 30th, 2012

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_network

Hey, Freeman, quit sending my friends home, would ya? With Forge gone now I have to find someone else to make my trick arrows. What sucks is that I doubt that whoever I find will be able to make them quite so well, cause he could make pretty much anything I came up with. All I had to do was say, I want an arrow that does this, and he made it.

[info]horribledream in [info]colligo_network

Voice Post

Get your hands off me!

[there's a sound of some metal clanking around and then something hits the ground]

Well at least that was a soft landing.

[Bucky sounds more than a bit confused as he mutters under his breath and gets up.]

Hello? Anyone in there? Great, I'm talking to tin cans.

[info]memoryiskey in [info]colligo_network

So I'm thinking I might expand my little home run security contracting work and turn it into a full blown business.

So if anyone might be interested in that kind of work as a customer or employee please let me know.

[info]ex_odinsons326 in [info]colligo_network

accidental voice post.

[ there is the sound of thunder rumbling violently, along with the brief trickle of static moving in and out, the words "brother's" and "doing" teetering within hearing range. ] COWARDS! [ an unintelligible crash and a hasty snarl makes itself known ] YOU WILL RETURN BEFORE ME WITH THE ANSWERS OF WHICH I SEEK!

[ then, strong and defined through the haze of white noise, one word is heard ]


[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

Stupid, bloody things )

Now that that's out of the way; Johnny, Uber Vamp, interested in killing a nest of demony things with Buffy and me tonight?

[info]tobeunmade in [info]colligo_network

( Semi-Accidental Voice Post )

( It's hard to tell at first what's going on. There's no speaking, just the sound of someone struggling to breathe evenly, and occasional quiet, pained sounds and wet coughs. When Clint finally manages to say something, it takes a few tries before he manages the words, and even then they're quiet and choked. He doesn't sound quite coherent. )

Talia? Natalia? Nat...I...please... Nat?