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May 23rd, 2012

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

It's actually a good thing that Watcher Junior and Xander aren't here, because I'm pretty sure they'd both have unbelievable nerdgasms with all the new bloody superheroes that have shown up this week.

I forgot just how bloody small this sodding apartment is when there are three people living in it with three people's worth of crap. I'm pretty sure most of it is Dawn's. Why do teenage girls have so much bloody stuff? Then again, as cramped as the apartment is with all of our things, I'm glad to have them here again. And now that my sentimental moment of the day is over, I'm going out to get more pig's blood.

[info]tonystarks in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to the Avengers + SHEILD (and close affiliates)

Interesting development, team. As it turns out, in the universe where this kid, Parker, is from, I'm a fictional character with my own line of movies, comic books and related merchandise. I assume you guys are in them, too, but I didn't think to ask.

I think we need to find a comic book store and investigate this. I'm not sure how the legal system here works, but there' s a good chance I can gain my fortune back in royalties if I can prove that I'm me. Which shouldn't be too difficult. Either way, if she's right, I'll make sure you all get an Iron Man t-shirt. And if you're good, maybe an action figure, too.

[info]humanmapquest in [info]colligo_network

I was officially kicked out of my PR class this afternoon. The Professor didn't really care why I'd said those things to him - or, I guess, I should say sang those things to him. Just that I'd done it in the first place. I had hoped he was going to overlook it, considering how long it took him to reach the decision, but apparently he was just covering his bases to make sure I couldn't appeal.

Looks like I'm going to have to change my major after all.

[info]bardcore in [info]colligo_network

( Filtered to Bruce Banner )

Mr. Banner, my name is Charles Xavier and I have a proposition that may interest you.

It's come to my attention that you're quite the brilliant scientific mind, and it just so happens that I run a school here. I'm not certain if it would interest you, but I was wondering if you might be interested in joining the teaching staff here. I mostly handle the science classes, but between the administrative duties of the school and my work in the genetics department at the university, I could certainly use another qualified professor on the staff.

You would, of course, be free to use our laboratories for any work you might have, and you're welcome to come see the school before you make any decision.

[info]amadmanwithabox in [info]colligo_network

Right then. That was fun...for a given definition of the word that doesn't mean fun at all. So maybe I should use a different word.

Anyway, that's done, so I think I'm going to go out and explore a bit. Let the old girl stretch her legs. Well, metaphorical legs. She doesn't so much have legs...any more. Just boxy bits. River, dear, would you like to come along? You've been quiet since that whole murderous psychopath kafuffle.

I see there's a lot of superheros about. Not sure how that bodes for whatever is coming up around here. But at least we'll be prepared.

Zoe! I have a thing. And it has equations. And I thought you might like to see it. Since you like equations so much and you're really the only one who can even hope to keep up with me.

[info]crescent_knight in [info]colligo_network

Wow there are a lot of Avengers here now. Aspah or whatever his name is is setting up a comic con or something.

Khonshu totally thinks that's a lame use of power if it is.

[info]lil_bruiser in [info]colligo_network

I liked being future me again. She's fun. I kinda wanted to stay her this time, but that would be weird...'cause Adam would still be little...and we probably wouldn't be blw to hng out as much, cause older me was in college.

Not that I mind being me right now. I like being me.

[info]sortofrussian in [info]colligo_network

Private to Pepper Potts )

[info]ihatecrowbars in [info]colligo_network

With recent events it seems that I have some aggression that needs to be let out in better ways.

So I'm thinking about starting up a fight club if anyone's interested.

[info]goingonfacebook in [info]colligo_network

So most people would freak out upon finding out that there's a movie about them, but not this girl. I mean, I got to watch myself tasing Thor over and over again. The look on his face was just priceless. Also, I kind of wish I could have been there when they shot him in the ass with sedative. Why do I miss all the good stuff? Oh, and Loki, you're even more of a douche than I first thought. Just thought you'd like to know. And what is up with that helmet? Are you trying to be the bug king or something?

Lyle, thanks again for setting that up for me and Clint.