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May 7th, 2012

[info]luxoraculum in [info]colligo_network

( Fail!Filter to Mycroft - with added honesty )

Mr. Holmes, your eleven o'clock for tomorrow has rescheduled, so you'll be meeting with them at one thirty instead. I've adjusted your calendar accordingly. Actually, I adjusted your schedule accordingly when the appointment was first made. The man is an idiot who couldn't be on time if his life depended on it.

Also, I thought it prudent to remind you of the charity event next Saturday. I know they're terribly boring and you want to kill yourself by the end of the night, but it is a necessary evil.

And the month's lease is up on my place in a few weeks. I was wondering what you think about the possibility of me moving in with you. I've considered the issue carefully and it is a practical option. Work meetings cause me to spend more time at your home than my own and, in Lucy's absence, this place is too big for just me. And, of course, it's far more practical from an economic standpoint.

Also there's the fact that I do have a strong romantic attachment to you, so living together wouldn't be a hardship. I'd even go so far as to say that I love you. And I seem to be under the influence of a compulsion toward honesty, so I may take a few days off work or have Darcy handle communicating with especially trying individuals.

What do you think? Specifically about moving our relationship forward, but feel free to comment on the rest.

[info]amanofhisword in [info]colligo_network

( Accidental Voice Post )

( Elijah sounds very confused, and somewhat wary. He also seems to be speaking to himself and doesn't seem to realise that anyone can hear him. )

What is this place? What manner of magic is this?

( a pause, then slightly louder )

Mother? Father?

( another pause )

Niklaus? Rebekah?

( the sound of a window opening and then the sounds of the outside world. Including cars. )

By the gods...

[info]crescent_knight in [info]colligo_network

This is certainly very annoying. What strange world is this?

And who do I have to kill to leave here?

[ooc: Marc isn't here right now but Khonshu the Egyptian god of the moon and vengeance is.]

[info]wolf_moon in [info]colligo_network

OK very funny. Give me back my wolf now.

[info]wrongchosenone in [info]colligo_network


Angel's gone. So is Angelus, I guess for that matter. His stuff just poofed like everyone else.

[info]notjusta_teaboy in [info]colligo_network

Not that everyone here hasn't been lovely but...

Please. I need to go home. People will die if I'm not there. </s>Lisa will die.</s>

[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

Is there a rule that no one can be happy for an extended period of time?

Huck is gone. I woke up in the middle of the night and knew right away that he wasn't in the apartment and then I checked and all his stuff was gone. The part that hurts the most is all the things I found out yesterday about the future we could have had. All I have left of him now is my ring and his manuscripts.

Stefan, Damon, care to go get drunk tonight?

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

So I sort of got kicked out of class today. Apparently trying to have sex with your professor is not a good thing. Is there anyway of stopping this please? I'd really like to not miss my final or at least tell me how I can control this? I would really appreciate it!

[info]king_peter in [info]colligo_network

My brother is gone. He appears to have been sent home. I may take a day or two off from attending classes.