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May 3rd, 2012

[info]whoeveryouwant in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[There's a little shuffling around and the sound of footsteps slowly moving around the room. The voice is female and clearly young sounding, as well as hesitant and almost fearful.]

This isn't... [a pause] Wait. Okay. It is my room but it doesn't look right. I don't...

[another pause; the voice turns annoyed]

Did I end up in the wrong room again? I really need to draw a map so I stop getting so lost. They're never going to believe I belong here if this keeps happening.

[another pause, then a soft sigh and the telltale sound of her form changing shape]

Charles, you better be in your room or I'm gonna start thinking real loud.

[ooc: raven, a few months after being adopted by charles & family]

[info]timeaftertime in [info]colligo_network

Okaaay, I understand everyone wanting to get their hands on me. Who wouldn't want to? But getting knocked out and hauled off to weirdly anachronistic settings twice in one day is a bit much, even for me. Whoever did it this time, can you at least go easy on the electrodes? I've had my fill already. That goes for guns and any more chloroform, too.

Hey, bright side-- a bed this time! You're one up on the sadistic ladies already!

[info]hasnosecrets in [info]colligo_network

Now I understand why you guys decided not to tell me about the whole vampire thing back home. I didn't exactly take it well this time around. I'm glad I'm me again and I'd appreciate it if I stayed me for a little while.

[info]ageless_ in [info]colligo_network

Whoever you are, I don't appreciate being kidnapped.

That being said, I won't authorize any ransom clearance and I'd sooner shoot myself than give you a second of my time.