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January 1st, 2012

[info]thisismyofframp in [info]colligo_network

Somebody want to tell me what is going on? What was with the midnight kissing? And the whole not being able to leave the side of the person I was forced to kiss without feeling like my stomach is being yanked out through my belly button?

Seriously. Someone. Anyone. WHAT is going on and how do I make it stop?!?

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_network

Sure I've joked about kissing guys and yeah, I've shamelessly flirted with Dick just to screw with him, but I never intended to actually kiss a guy. Not that this guy isn't good looking, but Helena was definitely my first choice. I knew we should have just stayed in bed.

[info]superiorspecies in [info]colligo_network

This place has a fascinating behavioral modification field, but I must say, I am not in the least bit amused by the effects.

[info]n7_spectre in [info]colligo_network

Can we have the Gremlins back, please? 'cause this isn't my idea of a friggin' happy New Year.

[info]frenchie_veela in [info]colligo_network

This is certainly very awkward. I wonder how long this particular episode will last?

[info]notjusta_teaboy in [info]colligo_network

So, in spite of the holiday, I'm declaring the coffee shop open and all the drinks half price. If anyone wants to come and talk about things, see significant others, or try to work out living arrangements for as long this craziness lasts, you're welcome.

[info]ilooklikeher in [info]colligo_network

I should have just stayed in.

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

ugh fuck

[info]sacredvessel in [info]colligo_network

It's like deja vu all over again. Asaph must really like this trick.

Sorry we got separated. Not sure how that happened. Where'd you end up?

[info]_maker_ in [info]colligo_network

yeah what? nooooooooo

so this is awkward

[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

Well this is fun or you know, not at all. Can we rewind and do last night over? My plans for this morning did not include going home with some random guy.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

Dear Morgan Freeman,


No love,

P.S. Damon, I need you to eat someone for me. Grab your enforced significant other and get over here. STAT.

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

Well, this wasn't the New Years that I was expecting. But I guess it could be worse. Didn't think I would end up kissing a girl though at the strike of midnight, totally thought it would be Peter someone else. And then not only that but we have to stick together or we get very very ill, I don't want to go through that again, it was like something was tearing out my insides it hurt that bad. At least those ugly little bastards are gone.

Filtered to Peter
How are you holding up?

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]colligo_network

Yesterday, I married the love of my life.

Today, I have no words. I hate this place.

Ruby, Caden's with me. We should try to get together, so he can see you.

[info]ex_1percent961 in [info]colligo_network

Open to All

I'm not quite sure exactly why everyone's complaining.

This rather seems like a dream come true to me.

[info]imnumbersix in [info]colligo_network

Filtered against kids

Fuck. This.

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

Well this is bloody annoying.

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

This is...interesting to say the least.

[info]russiandoll in [info]colligo_network

Well, this sucks.

[info]wedoitmyway in [info]colligo_network

I wanted to spend my wedding night with my husband. Not some stranger.

Screw this. Morgan Freeman, I hate you.

[info]crossbowtobear in [info]colligo_network

This was not how I intended to spend my New Year.

John, I'm sorry if I got a little...violent or anything this morning.

[info]wannafondue in [info]colligo_network

This really isn't that bad. There is nothing wrong with waking up in bed next to a beautiful woman.

Actually, it's a pretty nice thing to wake up to, if you ask me.

[info]arealspitfire in [info]colligo_network

Waking up to someone who is not my husband is so not how I wanted to spend my New Year's.

[info]formofasister in [info]colligo_network

No Buffy, just because I kissed a girl last night does not mean that I was feeling experimental and was having "conflicting feelings". ...Or something else out of a Lifetime movie.

Even though she's really nice. And lives in a pretty cool place.

[info]im_a_witch in [info]colligo_network

Just when I think I'm getting used to how whacky this place does something like this.

Ugh. Thank God I'm not pregnant enough to the point where this would stress me out enough to induce early labor.

[info]caring_hands in [info]colligo_network

...I am never letting anyone talking me out into going out partying again.

I know I didn't drink anything but this is..bizarre.

[info]inchuckwetrust in [info]colligo_network

I've come to the conclusion that pretty much quitting drinking was a good thing.

It would just increase the massive migraine that this place seems to like giving me.

[info]lil_bruiser in [info]colligo_network

This weird. Old Lace and I will be doing something not stupid like everyone else seems to be doing until this place decides to not be dumb anymore.

[info]ex_loveisstr986 in [info]colligo_network

Forcing people to live with people they might really not want to deal with seems a little childish, if you ask me.

[info]queenofthehorn in [info]colligo_network

...I really don't know what to think about this.

[info]humanincarnate in [info]colligo_network

Everybody really needs to calm down. Way I see it, this ain't no different than other stuff this place has done before and, just like all that other stuff, it'll pass too. Sure it's not so great right now but it's not like it'll last forever.

[info]canmakeyousee in [info]colligo_network

Well. This is... different.

Aunt Alice, Uncle Jasper, I'm not sure what happened to the two of you but I don't think I can come back to the apartment for a while on account of suddenly being stuck with Nikola Tesla.

[info]vampsherifferic in [info]colligo_network

As if I didn't already hate this place...

I'd like the human that kissed my Sookie at midnight last night to know that I will be watching you very closely.

[info]leaderoftheflck in [info]colligo_network

Wasn't expecting to kiss a girl last night let alone get stuck with her. I had been hoping to kiss Ed. At least she's pretty cool and not a complete stranger since she's also in the Professor's classes.

I hope you don't mind that I took Dawn back to the Sanctuary with me last night.

[info]answertoten in [info]colligo_network

This is rather interesting, I must say. I appear to have snogged Huckleberry Finn last night.

Are you quite alright?

[info]rubber in [info]colligo_network

My partner for this weird thing sparkles more than the accessories I was wearing last night.

I'm not sure how I feel about this.

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

Well. At least I don't have to wear a wedding ring that isn't mine, this time. So there's that.

Dean? I'd filter this but my PDA refuses to let me do that right now. Or call. Or text. ANYWAY. We need to figure out what to do with the kids. And who is staying where.

Edited to add: Okay so, idea in part due to my genius husband. Once again, apologies on not filtering this to those it directly affects, but clearly my PDA hates me.

So. Bella is with me. Dean and Sookie are stuck together. Damon, you're stuck with The Vampire Sheriff Eric, right? And Caroline, you're with Edward.

Why don't we all just meet up? I mean, we can't exactly be couple-y right now but at least, that way, everyone would get to see their significant other and no one loses out.