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December 11th, 2011

[info]thebratwonder in [info]colligo_network

So it seems like I'm gonna be sticking around here so I should probably enroll in classes for next semester at the University. It's gonna suck having to take the classes over that I already took, but I guess this time I'll have a head start. I could do all the assignments a head of time even. I guess I'll go do that tomorrow and my knuckles should be pretty much healed by the time classes start, which will be good.

[info]ex_loveisstr986 in [info]colligo_network


I feel like someone screwed with my head. And I don't like when my head gets screwed with.

So. Where the hell am I and how the hell did I get here?

I swear, if Regina had something to do with this...

[info]hatesauthority in [info]colligo_network

Okay. So what the hell is this place, really?

[info]whatdowesay in [info]colligo_network

It's snowing. Winter is here. </s>Father was right</s>

How long do winters last here?

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Dawn Summers

Normally I wouldn't be asking for advice like some awkward teenager, but this isn't a normal situation in the least. Now if you laugh at me I will know and I'll never ask for your help again. It probably won't come as surprise to you that I have little to no experience with actual dating considering both of my exes were bloody wackjobs, but I want to ask your sister out and I don't want to cock it up when I do. Luna suggested I stand below her window and sing to her, but we all remember the last time I sang to your sister. You know her better than anyone. What would you suggest?