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November 21st, 2011

[info]crossbowtobear in [info]colligo_network

That certainly was...bizzare.

Roy )

[info]cantyouhearit in [info]colligo_network

And here I thought I was done with all of that dying and returning to life stuff. But, at least I managed to keep the good face. I thought for a moment there I was going to have to get used to a whole new one again. Not a very pleasant thought since I'm still not settled with the whole proper regeneration idea yet as it's not something I've had to do in awhile.

Well, except Yana, but that was really more shedding an identity that no longer had a purpose than changing my own.

Sooooo. Anyone miss me?

[info]queenofthehorn in [info]colligo_network

I had the strangest dream. Though it felt really real.

...Does that sort of thing happen a lot around here?

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

Appears even those sodding suits of tin get a day off. Or maybe they went on strike. Wouldn't blame em if they did.

</s>Bloody hell, Freeman! Had to turn me into a monster again didn't you? Couldn't have just turned me back into the simpering human I used to be instead?</s>

Faith, did you get a thrill out of trying to kill me?

Private to Luna Lovegood )

Private to Ashley Magnus )

[info]notjusta_teaboy in [info]colligo_network

[Private to the Molly]

Can I talk to you?

[info]thebratwonder in [info]colligo_network

Is it just me or does it seem like whatever this latest thing was has ended, but I'm still eighteen instead of ten. I mean, I'm not complaining because being eighteen is definitely better than being ten again, but shouldn't I be sent back to the future now?

[info]givenachoice in [info]colligo_network

Not surprisingly in the slightest, dying is not more fun the second time around. Although the waiting was certainly better this time.

[info]archtrickster in [info]colligo_network

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Sammykins, we need to have a little talk.

( Edit ): Apparently I got a kid when I was gone. Good thing I got some practice. Who'd have thought that would come in handy.

[info]righteousman in [info]colligo_network

Well, that fucking sucked.

Someone needs to tell me where my wife is. Right fucking now.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]colligo_network

I'm back to myself, and...I know a lot of people were hurt and affected...and I'm sorry. </s>I remember everything.</s> Words aren't enough.

Claire )

Ruby )

[info]ilooklikeher in [info]colligo_network

Well that was really weird. Sorry Alaric, you're awesome but you're so not my dad.

Jere? I'm sorry I was a bitch.

Bonnie, Care, girls night?

[info]likevanhelsing in [info]colligo_network

It's really good to be me again. Really good.

Filtered to Jenna )

[info]crossroadangel in [info]colligo_network

[Accidental voice post upon arrival]

Well, now. This? This is definitely not what I expected.

Cassie, I love what you've done with the place. What city were you trying to mimic? It looks like something out of a wretched painting.

[info]ex_keptthems674 in [info]colligo_network

What the...

What is this? Where am I? Hello?

[info]littleshiva in [info]colligo_network

That was....interesting.

[info]thewesternwood in [info]colligo_network

I just realised that I missed my birthday.