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October 6th, 2011

[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

Do the men of Colligo just become complete horndogs whenever the city gets changed or is it just me? When the locals went all crazypants on us they kept trying to grope me over the counter and now that they're cowboys they again try to grope me over the counter. Not only that though, I've gotten a few of them asking me how much I charge. Seriously?! The next cowboy that tries anything will so regret it. I haven't decided how yet, but he will.

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

What is with the ass hitting here? These guys that call themselves cowboys aren't getting any points from me. I'm not a violent person but I will change them into something if necessary. Or at least freeze them until I can walk away from them. Seriously you guys, your not getting anywhere with hitting a lady in the ass.

[info]passingthrough in [info]colligo_network

I wonder if the synagogue still exists. There had to be Jews in the Old West, right? We're everywhere. But Yom Kippur starts tomorrow night and I'm pretty sure my mother will find a way to come to Colligo and kill me if I missed it.

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

I won a poker game in a saloon. It took a long time, nobody was shot, and I won a raaaather tidy amount. Well done, me.

I kind of wish there had been a table thrown over and all that sort of stuff you see in the films, but ah well. And the whisky was throat-scrapingly awful, but I still drank plenty of it.

Now. Where is my bed? I need to sleep.