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October 3rd, 2011

[info]damnitjim in [info]colligo_network

What in the blazes Damn it, Jim! What the hell did you do now?

I'm a doctor, not a goddamn test subject. And I don't have time for whatever insane warp transport tests you and Scotty are running.

For the last time, they still haven't found Archer's dog. If you think I'm trusting him with my safety, you're out of your fool mind. Can't you just use an inanimate object?

Where is this place, anyway?

[info]jawsthatbite in [info]colligo_network

And we're back here again. I think. What the bloody hell happened to this place?

Alex? Hugo? Pete? You lot still about?

[info]alwaystorchwood in [info]colligo_network

I don't care if it's the Rift buggering up again, if I don't get back within two seconds god help whoever initiated this.

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

So this isn't the worst thing to happen. And Luke looks adorable in baby cowboy clothing.

[info]savedbythering in [info]colligo_network

Did I really just witness a real gunfight? They walked ten paces and everything. This is crazy. Vampires and werewolves are no longer the weirdest things I've seen. And these clothes are crazy. Could be worse though; the locals could go crazy again and this time they all have guns.

Ric, as a history teacher is this something you've always dreamed of being able to experience?

[info]labyrinthine in [info]colligo_network

I hate to disserpoint a beau
When he is payin' a call!
Fer a while I ack refined and cool,
A settin on the velveteen setee
Nen I think of thet ol' golden rule,
And do fer him what he would do fer me!

I cain't resist a Romeo
In a sombrero and chaps
Soon as I sit on their laps
Somethin' inside of me snaps
I cain't say no!