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September 26th, 2011

[info]messedupasiam in [info]colligo_network

( Accidental Voice Post )

( The woman's voice sounds confused and a little freaked out )


Hello? Is anyone there?

I'm in a library.

I'm in a library. And I have no idea how I got here.

Or where here is.

Or who I am.

And oh my god...are those knights moving? They're moving! They're moving...uh...this way...

( A pause, a loud crackling electric sound, then panicking )

Oh my god. Did I do that?

[info]thunderdaughter in [info]colligo_network

To whomever I threw across the room when I woke up, I apologize. I am also sorry for taking off like I did.

Though I did discover that I can fly. Odd.

[info]bangafewgongs in [info]colligo_network

So friends and fellow amnesiacs, I have learned something about myself.

I am homeless, but I don't do drugs.

I know this, because I woke up in a homeless-shelter-slash-soup-kitchen-slash-drug-rehabilitation-slash-youth-center-slash-everything-else-ever. Seriously...who runs this place? Some new age, hippie, wannabe-Gandhi? Stop trying so hard. I bet they're making up for like...murdering someone. Or fucking over a nun.

Anyway. I don't have any shoes, and I woke up in a homeless shelter. Therefore...probably homeless. I have to wonder why I have an awesome PDA and yet no home or shoes. Priorities, self. Also, twin-person, you should let me crash with you. So I can stop being homeless. Isn't that what brothers do?

But, I haven't been all twitchy or anything, so I don't think I'm here because of drugs. Score one for me.

I've decided to call myself Jimmy. I like the name. I just feel a connection to it.

[info]twicenamed_kane in [info]colligo_network

Okay, everyone who's discovering they have a "twin"... how can you not know if you have a twin?

I don't know why, but the thought that someone could discover they have a twin and not just feel it deep down really, really bugs me. It's so fundamental to who you are. Maybe there's some other explanation besides being twins. If we can all share mass amnesia, maybe there can be some kind of face-sharing.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network


Seriously. Rich. Really rich. Really, really rich. As in, I didn't know that many zeroes could exist in a money capacity rich! Except, I did know. Sort of. BUT NOT THE POINT.


And now, if anyone needs me, I'll be spending quality time with my money. Because it's mine. Allllll mine.

[info]wedoitmyway in [info]colligo_network

Okay. Turns out John and I do have a kid. Which is weird, because I think I'd remember having a kid. But he's a pretty cute kid. Except...he didn't remember his own name, or me for that matter, either. We both decided on Sam, for a name. It just felt right to us.

I remembered how to make us both french fries, though. Which we really both liked. Except...I can't have salt on mine, for some reason. It tasted really bad. Not even bad, like it actually burned me. Maybe I have really bad high blood pressure or something.

And I still can't get in Sam's room. Which is weird. Why can't I get in my own son's room?

[info]crossbowtobear in [info]colligo_network

I remember how to fire a crossbow.

Why is it I can remember that, but I can't remember when I was born, or anything about my life other than I know how to use a crossbow?

Oh, and I'm fluent in Italian.

[info]thatwasadult in [info]colligo_network

Does anyone else here know how to speak Kryptonian?

...More importantly, does anyone even know what Kryptonian is?

Also, I think I'm going to call myself Linda. It has a nice ring to it.

[info]minesbigger in [info]colligo_network

Anyone needing a place to stay, I find myself in charge of a casino called Eden. Many of the guest rooms are empty, and I'm opening them to the general public in light of the recent memory loss epidemic.

Ask for me personally, and I'll see you to a clean room until other arrangements can be made. It seems my name is Fergus M. Crowley. Fergus is a rather outdated name, you can call me Crowley.

[info]leaderoftheflck in [info]colligo_network

Hey Mr. I Have Wings Too, have you tried flying yet? I have and it's amazing!!

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

You know it's a pain in the arse not knowing who you are, or exactly who that bloke is. I mean some of you have guessed who someone you woke up with is, how did you manage it?