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August 26th, 2011

[info]savedbythering in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Gilberts, Jenna, Ric and Caroline

Are you guys alright? Like have any of the locals given you guys a hard time? Someone tried burning down the video store today. I wasn't there, but it's still pretty scary to think that I could have been there and I don't know if my ring would have saved me this time.

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

Can I just say that I'm about ready to turn some people into toads or whatever I decide to turn them into. I'm sick and tired of being called dirty names and getting things thrown at me. I got hit in the head with something yesterday and today I have this big goose egg bruise on my head. I didn't sign up for this at all. They certainly don't have any idea who they are messing with.

[info]king_peter in [info]colligo_network

For the love of Aslan! A group of teenagers, probably around my age, thought it would be funny to let the horses out of their stalls. Not only that, but I was here while it happened. I came down to feed them and walked in on them laughing as the horses ran off. They didn't see me, however and then ran off themselves.

Charlie, Ed, can you come and help me round up the horses?

[info]russiandoll in [info]colligo_network

Guess I'm going to have a lot more free time now.

[info]yournewgod in [info]colligo_network

These citizens are a nuisance to me with the way they are acting. Should they set foot in the park from Heaven and try to ruin it, I will strike them down.

[ooc; The personal Heaven that Castiel enjoyed has appeared, but just the location - not actually Heaven. ^^]

[info]thedruidboy in [info]colligo_network

I broke the swing in the park. I didn't mean to! Well, I did. Kind of. But the other kids were annoying me and being stupid so they deserved it really. And I didn't think it would break that badly. And now one of the men who looks after the plants and stuff is all mad. Sorry.

[info]magicalsecrets in [info]colligo_network

Kids tried to egg my shop. They were very surprised when the eggs bounced off the walls and hit them. It was kind of hilarious. Archimedes has been pecking at anyone unfriendly that comes near me too.

Anyone is welcome to stop by my shop if you need a safe place to duck in. I've noticed fights breaking out in the streets more. So if anyone needs a hand...

[info]fragmentsofyou in [info]colligo_network

The locals are starting to act like people below the Plate did around SOLDIERs back home before Meteor. I'm going to have to start keeping my shades on when I make deliveries for them. As soon as they see my eyes, they don't want anything to do with me.

They haven't gotten violent yet, and I'm not worried about getting hurt, but I'm sure other people here aren't so lucky. So if you're going somewhere and you'd feel better having someone at your back, let me know. I can handle whatever they have to throw at me, and I don't want to see anyone getting hurt when it can be avoided.