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August 11th, 2011

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Mia, Stephanie, Cassandra, Helena and Babs]

How would you ladies like to play the lottery with me? A little birdy just happened to know the numbers for this week's lottery and I don't feel right winning and keeping the money all to myself, so I thought I'd offer you lovely ladies the chance to go in on it with me and split the winnings. What do you say?

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

Well the last few days have proven to be extremely bloody awkward. This nonsense had better wear off sooner rather then later because watching Red and Tara like this is just strange. For once I'm glad Buffy isn't here, because she would never let me hear the bloody end of it.

[info]thatwasadult in [info]colligo_network

Would anyone be able to explain to me exactly what's going on? Those guards whatever they were at that library weren't very helpful. Though assuming that they were attacking and going for the heat vision right away doesn't really help things, Kara.

[info]etai_yazi in [info]colligo_network

This isn't Star City. Daddy? Aunt Mia? What's going on? Did something happen?

[info]crossbowtobear in [info]colligo_network

Ugh. That was not fun. Being a kid was not something I wanted to experience again.

[info]roadhousehbic in [info]colligo_network

This place has something of a revolving door, from the looks of it. Not that I'm complaining too much, considering the alternative, but staying put for more than a couple of weeks this go-round might be nice.

[info]dangeroushabits in [info]colligo_network

Alright then. Clearly this place couldn't get enough of me. Flattering as that is, can it just make up its fucking mind? The back and forth gets old quick.

So everyone worth mentioning's a sprat right now? Brilliant.

[info]untouchable in [info]colligo_network

Well then. Hello again, 2011. It's been a while.

[info]choseherside in [info]colligo_network

Get forced to take a nap as a kid, wake up as an adult. Seriously. I cannot think of a better lesson for parents as to why you should not force your kid to sleep if they would rather play.

Also? Being hissed at by the pet little!me had? Not the greatest wake-up call I can think of. Though it definitely did the trick right before I threw the thing off my bed and ran for the door.

Filtered to Helen Magnus )

Filtered to Nikola Tesla & Kate Freelander )

[info]kristina_snow in [info]colligo_network

Does someone, anyone want to tell me what is going on? Ok so I fall asleep in complete lock up and wake up free... This is weird and I would very much enjoy an explination.

[info]awanderingsoul in [info]colligo_network

Why Jack has a sister, but I not have one?

When can I have a sister? Or at least a puppy?

[info]pasterased in [info]colligo_network

You know what? This place is nuts. I'd say I was drunk and imagining all of this, except that it's impossible for me to get that drunk in the first place.

[info]minesbigger in [info]colligo_network

Boredom has reached a new level when I start replying to newbie posts.

[info]trenchcoat_angl in [info]colligo_network

I've became very accustomed to the canine in my room. It seems to be as much of his home as mine. I still miss Heaven.

[Filtered to Balthazar and Gabriel]
There is some purpose to being here, is there not? Perhaps we should see if there is anything we can do for these people.