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August 7th, 2011

[info]oceanstorm in [info]colligo_network

Pardon me, but are there medical facilities within the bounds of the city? I'm overdue for my next appointment at home, and it's really quite important I make it. As it seems we aren't going anywhere any time soon, I suppose I may as well see the healers here rather than try to go without.

[info]wealreadyare in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post.

Mama? Papa? [ the next word comes out in a timid whisper, as if he's starting to realize something is seriously wrong. ] Ruthie?

[ the message fades into the sound of panicked breathing, sharp yet quiet, frantic movements as there are muffled sounds of windows being opened, then closed, things turning over, and a worried whimper that is quickly silenced. everything is hasty, quick, but with a cautiousness to it that registers a hyper awareness of possibly being overheard. ]

[info]labyrinthine in [info]colligo_network

I like Colligo! especially when Danny's big because he can do lots more fun stuff with me.

Yesterday I got to go to the museum and see lots of paintings and sc sclup statues and then we went to the park and had ice cream and then I got tired and I think I took a nap because I woke up in the big big bed in Arthur's place. And today we went to the park and took Esher and went to the playground and I went SO HIGH on the swings and then we drew mazes and I'm better than danny even though he's bigger.

But I kind of miss my mommy and daddy. And Gregory.
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[info]fragmentsofyou in [info]colligo_network

Does anyone here know how to take care of a chocobo? Or birds in general?

[info]irondruid in [info]colligo_network

That was an interesting trip down memory lane. I'll need to repaint my walls. Sketched over all of them with old fashioned designs. Mordred, would you like to help me paint? I was thinking a dark green.

I also bought more books then I could possibly afford. Luckily I got my shop up and running before all this, so I can sell the ones I don't need. I'm going to need help around the shop if anyone is interested. Third Eye Books & Herbs. A knowledge of herbs would be helpful, of course.

[info]ex_iambatgir760 in [info]colligo_network

Well that was an exciting adventure. Future me was pretty awesome, I have to say.

Parker. I want to learn that stuff when you have time. It was awesome!

But for now? I really just want waffles. Yes, nighttime waffles. But getting waffles alone sounds just...really depressing. So who's going to join me?

[info]sheiscoming in [info]colligo_network

Alexandra? Phillip? Leland?