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July 4th, 2011

[info]ex_broodyelf215 in [info]colligo_network

Not that the prospect of being rid of certain people I know isn't inviting. It just seems to get boring rather quickly. No arguments, no spats, nothing. I can't even get after Merrill.

I'm afraid to say I haven't ventured too much around even. I suppose one would say this is what I get for falling into old habits.

Anyone interested in a drink? Maker, I sound outright pathetic

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_network

Well this is all really interesting. Really it is, but I'd really appreciate it if I could talk to Mia. If I can't get home and help, the least I can do here is make sure she's ok.

[info]rookie5o in [info]colligo_network

I hate not being able to reach any of the team, and I hope this is over soon. In the mean time, who wants to go out for a bit?

[info]politicallygray in [info]colligo_network

Still can't talk to my family.

I'm going to get a drink.

[info]russiandoll in [info]colligo_network

Guess people still can't talk to anyone from back home. It's going to be another good day. I'm really getting used to things here. A steady job, friends. It wasn't something I thought I'd ever be able to have.

[info]ilooklikeher in [info]colligo_network

Wondering what today will bring. Yesterday I got a job.

[info]wedoitmyway in [info]colligo_network

As I can't see my boyfriendAnyone want to hang out?

[info]oceanstorm in [info]colligo_network

I am not affected in the same way many of you are--there is no one here from Soul Society whom Asaph can take from me--but I understand that it is difficult to be so thoroughly removed from those you hold dear. It is something I fear my family and friends one day having to face.

Life is a cycle, where I am from, one that must remain in balance. When a soul passes on in the Soul Society, that soul may then be given a new life in the world of the living, one free of memories. Likewise, when a soul passes on in the world of the living, it may find a new life in Soul Society, but over time, it will forget its days amongst the living. There is no promise that loved ones will find each other again, no matter in which direction they travel. Even if they do, there is no promise that they will remember, or that the ties that held them together can be reforged.

I imagine that someday, Kyouraku will be sorely tempted to seek my soul in the world of the living, just as I am tempted to seek Kaien's.

[info]crossbowtobear in [info]colligo_network

Anyone care to spar with me?

[info]caring_hands in [info]colligo_network

If anyone wants to talk to anyone from their home, I can pass messages along. I don't mind helping.

[info]gumbygirl in [info]colligo_network

I'm going to start teaching a morning yoga class, for anyone who's interested. Ten o'clock, Saturday and Sunday mornings at my apartment. It's free for anyone who wants to come. Please bring your own mats.

[info]nowhuman in [info]colligo_network

You don't let us talk to our friends and you're still sending people home. This place is totally messed up. I wish I could talk to Spike. What if they send him home and no one tells me? What if they send Willow or Tara home?

[info]notunreasonable in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Friends and Family of Chris and Peter and Bo - except for Bo and anyone else under age 16, and well obviously the Halliwells/Wyatts]

Peter was sent back.

Don't say you're sorry
I don't want to talk abou
Bo Just be

Edited, added a good ten minutes after [Claire Winchester]
Could you let my family know? Mel Aunt Paige really li

[info]allforfather in [info]colligo_network

Can someone tell my dear friends Sam and Dean Winchester that I miss them something awful?

It's a shame. If I could see them, I'd say hello.

[info]alreadyscared in [info]colligo_network

[filtered against Chris]

I don't like this place no more. Peter's gone and it's not just cause I can't see him. He's really, really gone and I didn't even get to say goodbye and I didn't have a dream and it's not fair!

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

[filtered to Chris Halliwell's family]
I just wanted to let you know, on behalf of Chris, that Peter was sent back home. I'm sure he'd tell you himself if he could but right now he can't. If there's any message you'd like me to pass along to him, feel free to let me know.

[ooc: posted immediately after this]

[info]thehorsewoman in [info]colligo_network

I'm quite enjoying this. It's a nice change being able to walk around and do my own thing without Him telling me to 'behave' every ten minutes. It was getting dead BORING.