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June 30th, 2011

[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

Beach Party. Monday. Be there.

To eleborate, Elena and I decided that there needed to be a beach party and July Fourth seemed like the perfect excuse. I know that one, we're not even on Earth or in America and two, not everyone here is from either of those places, but who really cares when there's a party to be had? The fourth is just the excuse to have it. It's not really a Fourth of July Party.

For those who are still UV sensitive, aka the sun is not your bff, or those of you who will be working during the day, the party will continue into the night so everyone will have a chance to come!

[info]redarrow_harper in [info]colligo_network

So, I'm a pro at waking up in strange places and all, but this? As nice as it is to be in a city that's not currently being attacked by a crazed psychopath, I really need to get back to Star City. This is no time for a vacation. Although, I am really interested to know how I got here. I was going back to the meeting room then suddenly I was in some strange library, getting kicked to the curb by some suits of armor. Could someone explain and tell me how to get back?

[info]happywithyou in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Connor Temple]

Please tell me that you're still here.

[info]jewishvengeance in [info]colligo_network

Accidental Voice Post

[the voice is soft, the tone a confused one]

Je ne comprends pas. Quel est ce lieu?

[there is a brief pause]

Marcel? Es-tu ici, mon amour?

[another pause; this time the woman sounds very nearly on the verge of tears and her voice is little more than a whisper]

Est-il possible... est-ce que je suis mort?

(( translation: I do not understand. What is this place? Marcel? Are you here, my love? Is it possible... am I dead? ))

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

Oh James my gorgeous, amazing and incredible husband.

Make sure you have Monday night free.

[info]awerewolf in [info]colligo_network

The thing is that I know that it would be better if she lost the baby if she really is pregnant, that there is a good chance that during the next full moon, if she is pregnant, she won't be anymore. I know that and I still don't want that to happen.

[Brought to you by secrets Tyler Lockwood does not want to share with anyone!]

[info]nofeargene in [info]colligo_network

Pizza's here. We can work on the case and figure out our suspect pool with the profiles we worked up.

I think we should be looking at the blonde.