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June 12th, 2011

[info]ahalftimelord in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered away from the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Two Doctors. There's two of them... him, no it's the them right? Is it weird that there's two of him them? It seems a little weird to me

[Filtered to the Doctor (tenth, eleventh)]
Do I just call both of you the Doctor?

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Aziraphale )

Filtered to the remaining Sanctuary crew )

Filtered to Sam Winchester )

[info]defensiveplayer in [info]colligo_network

Taking up the pie shop was the best thing I've ever done. At first I didn't think I could do it. I just took a step froward and fell into it. It's a lot harder than waitressing, which isn't surprising. It's a business I have to run. Still it's great. I didn't think I would like it as much as I do. You know the best thing about working at a pie shop. The smell, it's sweet and warm. I really don't mind smelling like pie. It's a much better smell the burgers and fries. That and I haven't met any extreme annoying customers.

By the way, thanks Claire. I love it. There's a strawberry crème pie with your name on it when you feel like stopping by.

[info]oceanstorm in [info]colligo_network

[Voice Post]

Kaien is dead. Shunsui. Shunsui, I killed him. Too weak. We were too weak. Shunsui, I killed him. I was ... I was his captain. I was his friend. Shunsui, Kaien is dead. Sogyo no Kotowari is crying. Make them stop! Genryusai-sensei, make them stop! I can't hear! I can't! I can't I can't I can't!

[Ukitake utters a choked sob as he begins beating Sogyo no Kotowari's sheathed blade against the wall. Then he drops the blade to the floor and begins rocking, forcing his voice out between gulping breaths.]

Please. Make them be quiet. They're lying. I killed Kaien. My fault. I failed. I failed. People will die. I failed.

[He abruptly stops rocking, and his voice becomes steady, determined.]

Can't stay. We can't stay here. We have to fix it.

[There's a crash of glass as Ukitake breaks out the window, then a rush of air as he leaps to the ground below, taking his sword with him, and disappears into Flash Step.]

[info]sheiscoming in [info]colligo_network

I have been told by Adam that I may communicate with others in this city through this device. I would like to introduce myself. I am Lady Jaenelle Angelline. I understand that there is some sort of being affecting the minds of those trapped here. I would like to offer my services as a Healer to those affected. I cannot guarantee success but I am willing to try.

[info]newkindacharmed in [info]colligo_network

Man, I'm bored. But hey at least I have work to look forward to. I'm actually really enjoy working in the pie shop, Claire is an amazing boss, but it saddens me about Willow working in the magic shop was really fun, may she R.I.P. But this place is really not looking all that bad, except that I went to find my mother and she wasn't there. Anybody know where she went to?

Private to Leo (dad):
Hey there, I was wondering. There's a baseball game on tomorrow night and was wondering if you wanted to watch it. A little father/daughter time we always squeeze in for a good baseball game?

[info]theflamingsword in [info]colligo_network

( Filtered to Parker )

( OOC: Shortly after this. )

Glorificus will be dealt with tomorrow.

I'm only sorry I couldn't do anything before now.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

She got to Crowley.

Filtered to endverse!Cas and endverse!Dean )

[ooc: takes place after this.]