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May 15th, 2011

[info]wedoitmyway in [info]colligo_network

Yesterday was crap. I've never been that damn clumsy before.

I fucking hate this place.
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[info]doctor_badass in [info]colligo_network

Computer viruses know better than to stick around on my harddrive for long.

[info]nofeargene in [info]colligo_network

Don't keep homemade bombs in the hall closet on Friday the 13th, chec-

Looks like we're stuck here for the time being. What do we want to do about the job situation?

Kono, how much pull do you have down at the station in order to get us jobs?

[ooc; Yes, this is a blank post for anyone that isn't apart of 5-0! Feel free to go "wtf freak you didn't post anything."]

[info]thecallofmagic in [info]colligo_network

Private to John Constantine )

Private to Nikola Tesla )

Private to Bonnie Bennett )

[info]niblet in [info]colligo_network

Turns out there's 12 main reasons why a newborn might be crying. I've gone through the first eight of them, and no luck yet.

[Adam Milligan]

You don't have your so
I don't know what to do
I'm not even sure if you should see your daugh

How are you?

[Buffy, Willow, Claire]
I don't even know what to do here. Can we get his soul back? Somehow? Would asking God help?

I think Katie really needs to see him but I'm a little scared to have him around her right now.

[info]wontthinktwice in [info]colligo_network

I think being all the way dead was better than this stupid place.

[info]thenameofsanity in [info]colligo_network

Right then. Friday the 13th is hereby a day of absolute rubbish that I would frankly prefer never to be forced to deal with again. I haven't been that poor of a shot since

On the bright side, however, I've finally managed to convince the board to allow me to take my students on a trip beyond the city limits. This should prove to be entertaining at the very least, I would imagine.

[info]choseherside in [info]colligo_network

Holy suddenly appearing Sanctuary, Batman!

Seriously guys. It is actually here. I am staring at my house as I type this message. Now if my mom would just show up, I