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April 15th, 2011

[info]arrogant_black in [info]colligo_network

Who has my wand? Juno I swear to Salazar if you turn that into Just because of my current condition

Shut up, stop laughing. Someone has my wand. Potter if you

Ariadne and Juno )

Did this really start with the building shaking last night?

[info]likestheodds in [info]colligo_network

Was it me, or did the whole building shake last night?

[info]the_pointman in [info]colligo_network

(voice post)

mommy? where are you?

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

Haven't we done this one already?

[info]hisbestman in [info]colligo_network


Hermione, dear, I'm borrowing some of your clothes for work. Hope you don't mind.

( Edit ): Well, now that my wife has loaned me trousers, I suppose I ought to go to work.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

Archie? I don't understa

I'm in the vent of a place I don't recognize and

Is this some kind of a test, sir?

[info]thecallofmagic in [info]colligo_network

Boy howdy did I forget how weird it feels when things start shifting around in this place! It's like having a big old feather that just keeps right on poking at me every time I turn around!

Oh, and sorry to those of you who are having weird things happen and/or done to them and don't want it to. My magic turning me ticklish still isn't an excuse to be rude and I'm definitely not the kind of gal that'd wish this kind of thing on, well, pretty much anyone except a pretty select few and none of them are even here right now.

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_network

I wish to apologise to those living in building C. The building shaking was an accident and my fault. I hope that nothing was damaged and no one was harmed. If there is a way that I can pay for anything that was loss, please do not hesitate to let me know. I will do my best to assure that such a thing never happens again.

I have a favor to ask of you.

I was wondering if you could set aside anything relating my world, if you have any. I believe that there are three boxsets of DVDs. I can come by for them later in the afternoon, if that would be alright.

[info]awesomestpotter in [info]colligo_network

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Once again! I was hoping that it would.

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

Well. There goes any hope I had that everybody from back home was mistaken when they said I jumped.

Lyle, I'm surprised you didn't go into witness protection or something after that.

I guess I can't be too upset though. At least whatever is going on back home isn't a total mystery to me now.

[info]choseherside in [info]colligo_network

Wow, this place really doesn't let the breaks from the crazy last very long, huh?

Sanctuary Group )

Filtered to Constantine )

[info]harvelle in [info]colligo_network

What the hell? My mom is gonna be pissed at whoever kidnapped me. Someone better take me home before she shows up.

[info]toknowher_ in [info]colligo_network

i wish to go back to virginia now

and to my brother

[[ooc: take a bb Stefan]]

[info]shotforplot in [info]colligo_network


[info]loyalknight in [info]colligo_network

I have taken a few days off of work. I am going to purchase some clothes. Is there a proper library here? Not the one that we arrive in with blank books.

[info]wannabewizard in [info]colligo_network

Hey, Dad. I'm heading out with some friends. Can I borrow ten bucks?

[info]sacredvessel in [info]colligo_network

Wizard. Hypothetically speaking, if I touch some dude's wand, will stuff shoot out the end?

[info]thatswhatido in [info]colligo_network

Voice Post

I think Mommy is losted.

[info]faithinthem in [info]colligo_network

It could be worse.

Piper, I borrowed some of your clothes.

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network


oh god merlin i

where am i

[info]feellikejumping in [info]colligo_network

The first thing that I noticed...okay, the second thing I noticed when I woke up, there's a gold band on my ring finger. And I'm pretty sure this is not my apartment. It is quite similar, and yet...these clothes do not belong to me.

[info]1ofthegoodguys in [info]colligo_network

thisis not englandm where am i what is thisdevice

[info]alreadyscared in [info]colligo_network

Not cool. I had plans this weekend.

Hey! Dads! I'm Bo, just in case we aren't all on the same page, because I think this place went weird again. What with Grandpa being a girl and everythi

I can still go to the movies tomorrow night though, right?

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

What the hell? I have to be at work soon, I don't think this will keep me in employment much longer and it's hard enough.

{OOC: Rose has become AU...Nine didn't come back after she said no}

[info]diedforcamelot in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Uther

Can you come home early from work today?

[info]blondevil in [info]colligo_network


[There's a bang that anyone on her floor will hear, she's blown a window to shreds and smashed her wardrobe with magic]

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_network

I'm guessing I'm no longer in the time I'm meant to be, since I haven't seen this place like this for some time.

So, what's happened this time? And Arthur please say you are around because I have a very tired newborn who would like somewhere else to sleep other than my arms.

[info]ex_broodyelf215 in [info]colligo_network

This is NOT funny!

I cannot believe I'm asking you this...but can you fix this?