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April 4th, 2011

[info]diedforcamelot in [info]colligo_network

Voice post

...what is this? Unhand me at once! [There's a 'oof' as she's thrown out, her voice distant as she drops the PDA]

How dare you? [Her voice goes quiet again. She just died, after all, she's a little weak, and she knows that she's died. What a strange idea of heaven]

I just want to feel him in my arms again.

[info]oftwominds in [info]colligo_network

I have to say I do miss my healing magic. Or really all my magic, but it seems that healing is just so much more, well, sharp and pointy here without it. All this poking and prodding, it's fascinating really. But apparently it works.

Lord Mewsy somehow managed to get himself into a cabinet today. Opened one to get breakfast and there he was! He's quite the adventurer it seems. Doing Ser Pounce-A-Lot proud really. He's not up for fighting genlocks yet but I think he's got the spirit in him.

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network

I need to change/fix/whatever one of those glass-bulby things that go in the lights. 

It's bloody impossible.

I may resort to burning cardigans for light and warmth. But mostly for light.

[info]rubber in [info]colligo_network

What. The. Hell?

So my life is in the middle of an epic downward spiral to end all downward spirals, and now I suddenly end up in a weird library with freaky knights. Nobody ever told me about the vampire power to teleport really lame places Totally the cherry on top of the sundae of epic fail that is my life lately.

I mean...I'm totally not complaining about the phone, because it's kind of nicer than mine, but it totally doesn't make up for this. Like at all.

So someone tell me what's going on?

Elena? Stefan? Bonnie?

Hell, I'll settle for Damon.

( Edit ): Dear Roommate,

Apparently your name is Nathaniel Howe. I need to be invited into our apartment. Can you maybe do me a favor and help with that?


[info]elenathegilbert in [info]colligo_network

Looks like the experiment is over. I'm human again.

ETA: [Damon]

Damon. I need to ask you a favor. I know you don't owe me anything, and I know at times I've been a bitch to you. For that, I'm sorry.

Will you please compel me to forget that I remembered what you told me? I don't want things to be...awkward between us. You're my friend and I care about you. I don't want the knowledge of what I learned to make things awkward between us.