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March 24th, 2011

[info]amadmanwithabox in [info]colligo_network

( Accidental Voice Post )

I have a stick.

Koschei, why do I have a stick?

Oh! You have a stick too!

( A pause. Then he sounds utterly delighted. )

Oh! Oh! Wait. I know what this is!

Wingardium Leviosa!

( Laughing. )

Oh, that's brilliant.

( Another pause. )

And probably very bad as well. Because I'm not a wizard.

At least I don't think so.

Oh dear...

[info]justatitle in [info]colligo_network

Well. This is certainly different and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Jude, we should chat.

[info]wontthinktwice in [info]colligo_network

...I think I'm alive again?

[info]notsolittlerock in [info]colligo_network

Mom...I'm gonna have to miss work tonight.

On account of I think I might be the antichrist right now.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network


[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

[accidental voice post; shortly after midnight]

(There's a loud crash followed by a muttered, unintelligible curse. During a brief pause, a baby can be heard making various noises in the background. Claire's voice is shaky; it's obvious she's trying to stay calm while clearly not.)

Okay, ow. That hurt!

(A brief pause.)

And I'm still bleeding. Why am I still bleeding?

(Another brief pause.)

Right. Note to self. The next time I complain about not being able to feel pain, shut up. This sucks. Now where did I put that first aid k-

(The sound becomes muffled as something covers the PDA.)

CHOMPER! NO! DROP IT! Bad raptor!

[info]stoleafoot in [info]colligo_network

[filtered from the ickles]

What. The. Fuck?

[info]felicitateme in [info]colligo_network

Dear Zevran,

I might have set your bed on fire.


[info]halamshivanas in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Anders )

Filtered to Alistair )

Filtered to Morpheus )

Filtered to Morrigan and Merrill )

Filtered to Zevran )

Filtered to Morgana and Mordred )

Filtered to Ariadne, Arthur and Eames )

[info]humanmapquest in [info]colligo_network

I never realized how hard it can be to find a set of keys.

[info]wasonthehill in [info]colligo_network

Amy. I know you're probably a bit busy considering the circumstances, but... I seem to be stuck.

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

The sun is entirely too bright and painful. If I didn't know better, I'd think I was hungover. Wonderful, Mysterious Benefactor-type Person, just wonderful.

[info]do_what_i_must in [info]colligo_network

I hated this when they did it at the Temple.

I can't nobody's there I'm alone all alone ag

Oh, kriff.

[info]stolensnitch in [info]colligo_network


[info]awesomestpotter in [info]colligo_network

Right. This is just lovely. It'll be like being grounded. No offense Nana.

I'd like to know where it is though. Since it's my bloody wand I could take thinking that I lived my life as Slytherin over this. This a violation of a man's, a wizard's 11 and a half, cypress. Mostly grey in colour. If you have it, just sound off.

[info]the_cleverest in [info]colligo_network

Perhaps I should run a "How to Survive As a Muggle" class for everyone who's lost their magic. It's disorienting and I feel... clumsy, but that will pass.

And since everyone else seems to be checking: my wand's made of vinewood and has a core of dragon heartstring, ten and three-quarters inches. Please let me know if you have it, since it doesn't seem that John does. So it's not one-to-one based on relationships, this transfer. Has anyone started keeping track of who's lost powers and who has received them?

[Filtered to John and Sherlock]

All right, you two, what have you ended up with? Sherlock, if you have my wand please be careful with it. Not that you need the warning, I sort of trust you, but - it's important to me.

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_network


Breathe, Merlin. And go stay with Arthur. I can't imagine that Gwen's likely to hate me for setting you both on her but I can't handle all three of you in

Please come over.

[Arthur and Gwen]

Are you both all right? What abilities have you gained?

I've told Merlin to go stay with the two of you. I don't think that he should be alone right now. If Mordred's any indica

[Leon and Gwaine]
Are you both all right?

How are you? I'll be by shortly.

ETA: [Uther]
Wouldn't it be justified if you were paired with a wan No, you'd break it Whatever you have, try not to Just sit on your hands and don't I'll be by in a few hours.

[info]trenchcoat_angl in [info]colligo_network

Something has happened.

[Filtered to the entire Winchester Clan & Jo and Cas]
I can't feel any of you. And I'm hot then cold...

It's gone. I feel human.

[info]blaidd_drwg_ in [info]colligo_network

Sirius I make a better dog than you.

[info]ur_evitable in [info]colligo_network

I think I'm having a heart attack.

[info]_ten_ in [info]colligo_network

Oh. Right. Blimey.

It's very... quiet, isn't it? And... linear. And slow. Quite peaceful, really. In a boring kind of way.

And I'm hungry. Why does that keep happening? Why do these things always make me hungry?

[info]arrogant_black in [info]colligo_network

Well, this is embarrassing, and Juno, no snickering.

I have someone's wand. I don't know how I got it, it was just ... there on my bedside table. It looks familiar, but I can't place it, so whose ever this belongs to you've done magic around me.

Anyone missing their wand? I do not want it.

[info]_ofthelake in [info]colligo_network

Voice Post from Morgana's PDA

[filtered; Merlin]

Morgana has me.

[quiet, shallow breathing for a second or two]

i-i set my bed on fire this morning. And then put it out with-with water from somewhere. I hope no one was drinking it.
Tags: ,

[info]a_royal_prat in [info]colligo_network

I just exploded a glass. Does that normally happen?

You're being quiet.

[Telepathic message to Morgana]
If Guinevere can hear me, does this mean you can as well?

[info]oftwominds in [info]colligo_network

I... have a hangover. I'd forgotten how painful these were. But it's worth it. Sort of. Not having healing powers to get rid of it kind of sucks.

Though if someone is suddenly feeling the need to fight against injustice and having anger problems. You might want to talk to me.

[info]oneofmynames in [info]colligo_network

This is so messed up. When I said "I quit," I didn't think it would actually work.

I guess we should be careful what we wish for, huh, Dean?

I need a drink.

[info]elenathegilbert in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Vampire Diaries people]

What the fuck?! Guys! I'm a vampire! How am I a vampire?! Why am I a vampire! Stefan, Damon! Did one of you turn me without my knowledge?! And where in the hell is my necklace?!

...Stefan I seem to have your ring. Did you sneak in and give it to me?

....I'm hungry. Really hungry.

[info]artofthecon in [info]colligo_network

( Accidental Voice Post )

( For once, Neal doesn't sound exactly composed. )

I'm levitating.

Why am I levitating?

How am I supposed to get down?

I really don't like this.

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

filtered away from young and innocent types.

Oh, well this is just fucking brilliant, isn't it?

Fuck. Fucking hell, this is the least brilliant thing in the history of Ever. How the buggering fuck am I meant to do anything even remotely useful if I need invited into everywhere? Fuck. Fucking FUCK.

This is kind of a bit bollocks.

[info]wontthinktwice in [info]colligo_network

I didn't know how much I missed going outside during the day til now!

[info]imadisease in [info]colligo_network

This is so weird.

I haven't been human in almost a century. I'd almost forgotten what it was like.

Annie, do you want to go out? I want to go out. We can go out and you can get tea and actually drink it.

[info]wittyquips in [info]colligo_network


This feels like my Cruciamentos or whatever all over again.

Can I just sleep until this is done? Is that a valid plan?

Or...oh! Cordy, are you busy? We could go shoe shopping, free of fate and epic destinies.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]colligo_network

I don't feel any different.

I think this is a good thing.

[info]thoughtheknew in [info]colligo_network

And here I thought weird tailed me around these days.

Maybe it latched onto someone else or stayed back in the city 'cause I feel really really good for the most part. too many reallys

[info]daddys_angel in [info]colligo_network

Mommy and Daddy!

Can we all go to the playground tomorrow? I dreamt that we're going to go and now I really want to go pretty please?

And can Mordred and Maggie and Bo come too??

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to the people who used to be vampires, and are now human

Dear people who used to be vampires, and are now human,

Which one of you kindly donated your vampireness to me? I would like to know what exactly I can expect instead of wandering around doing experiments of the possibly-lethal kind.

If it helps, I can go out in the sun, but it hurts my eyes like you would not believe (unless this is your type of vampire, and then you will, obviously), and I have no reflection in mirrors, and I need to be invited into homes. Does that narrow it down any?


[info]bubbly_vamp in [info]colligo_network

Food now is so much better than it was in the seventeenth century! There's so much I've wanted to try and now I have a reason to. Pizza is amazing! Stefan, tomorrow night is chinese food night!

And I can't even put into words how much I've missed the sun. I stayed out until sunset today.

Huck, you got any fancy powers?