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March 3rd, 2011

[info]neverhadafan in [info]colligo_network

Right. I don't have time for this. Show me to the exit and I'll just

The knights were an interesting touch.

[info]evilinsideofme in [info]colligo_network


Anyone want to explain?

[info]wittyquips in [info]colligo_network

So, save the world (again) and...get an all-expense paid vacation to a creepy library of doom with possessed suits of armor?

Awesome. Really. Totally not complaining here.

But next time, can't the universe just give me shoes? I think that would be a fair deal. Save the world, get shoes. Simple.

[info]bangafewgongs in [info]colligo_network

Hey, Parker?

Remember how we got fake-married to other people? And we had fake-children? Well...they weren't fake in the sense that they were real children, but they were fake-ours? And we didn't suck at that or set them on fire by accident or drop them off any roofs?

Yeah. I sort of brought someone home.

Look what I found )

[info]themanwholives in [info]colligo_network

[People from his 'verse]

Some of you already know that I was here once before. For the ones that don't, I stayed in Colligo for a few months last year. While I was here, Merlin ended up recreating the equipment we'll need for Quidditch and Willow, this witch from another world, charmed a lot of brooms to be muggle-safe. We'd started teaching some of the muggles how to fly and play. I wanted to know how many of you would be interested in doing that again. I thought it would be a good idea to offer to anyone interested and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot we and that we could start working on teams for the ones who picked it up quickly.


How interested do you think that Molly would be in learning how to fly on a broom? Since you're wizards you might be able to use the brooms mum's been working on but if you can't we have muggle-safe ones.


I'm sorry to be contacting you out of the blue. I don't know if you remember me fro Are you still But I was wondering if you would be up for some broom-testing. Again. And actually getting to play this time.

[info]collectswallets in [info]colligo_network

Holy shit y'all, what just happened? One minute I'm all curled up on the couch with a big bowl of cereal, and the next I'm in a frickin library. There sure were a lot of books in there.

I mean I guess so, I didn't see much before I was tossed out on my ass.

Anyone see a stunning, taller succubus around here? I mean, I'm guessing this is some sort of weird trippy fae thing right?

[info]goodatcharms in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to James

I could say this in some flowery, girlie way that you may be accustomed to. Stutter over my words and giggle and blush. But I'm not.

I want to go on a date. With you. And you've yet to ask so I thought I might as well be the one.

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network

Is March too cold for a party on the roof? I don't care. We'll whack some charms up.

Girls and boys, we're having a party on the roof of building D tomorrow night. Think of it as a divorce party, teamed with a warm up for Moony's birthday. Bring your drinking heads, because I believe it will be quite an evening. I have stolen a pool table especially.

James and Lily, I will turn a blind eye to your underage presence as long as Prongs doesn't stab someone with those stubs he calls antlers. And Lily wears a sombrero.