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February 19th, 2011

[info]themanwholives in [info]colligo_network

All right, the lot of you. Laugh it up. Again. Come one come bloody all. Particularly my so-called wife and daughter.

I've been remarried, for the second time, to a man. Apparently your ex, Ginny. This should be an interesting week.

Ric, dinner and hunting definitely makes my top ten married dates. I'll remember it all very, very fondly.

[info]notunreasonable in [info]colligo_network

Whoever's bright idea it was to put me with a hungry vampire, can jus

I know that I've said it before but this place can really suck.

[Halliwell Family Filter]

Apparently whoever's in charge of this place thought that it'd be a great idea to put me with a newbie vampire. Can you believe this? They might as well just put me with a demon and call it the end of my life a week.

At least you're more rel You fee see Get someone good? I got a vampire.

I owe you a huge apo Settling in alright?

Edit: [Stefan and Damon Salvatore]

Tell me everything that I need to know about vampires from your world.

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_network

In which Morgana sends a bunch of voice messages and I decide not to spam things.

[Voice Message to Regulus]


[Voice Message to Arthur and Gwen]

Are the both of you alright? Arthur do you still have Abigail?

[Voice Message to Freya]

Are you alright?

[Voice Message to Mordred]

Where are you? Are you alright?

[Voice Message to Merlin]


[Voice Message to Morgause]

Thank you. Again. Always. I truly don't know what I would have done during all of this without both your spell and your help.

[Voice Message to Juno]
Tag team texting Regulus until he answers one of us? I'm going to ask Molly where he is and then I'll see if I can drag my wife along to check up on him.

[Voice Message to Molly]

I apologize for bothering you during all of this, especially after all of your help; however, I was wondering if you could find where Regulus is.

[info]harvelle in [info]colligo_network

I got lucky this time. I love my wife!

In a non-lesbian way, that is.

[info]toknowher_ in [info]colligo_network

Oh, I have a wife now. Wonderful. Can't we just be through with this?

It was fun, Huck. You'll have to come over and do lunch with me and girls sometime.

[info]stolensnitch in [info]colligo_network

I want my old fake dad back. The new one's locked himself in the bathroom.

Does this mean Sirius is my uncle now?

This place is stupid.

[info]fairytale_name in [info]colligo_network

Rory? Doctor? Do either of you have Elsie? Because if you don't I'm going to start breaking down doors till I find her.

[info]awesomestpotter in [info]colligo_network

Voice Post

Not that I'm complaining, I've done fairly for my two times of unholy matrimony. However, these things usually last more or less a month, yeah? Is that two more marriages? Or will we get to keep the newest spouses for the duration of a month? What do all of you think? No offense to Toph and Jude but I'm very much for this ending as soon as possible.

On that note. Hey Toph, who did you get paired with?

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

Isn't this exciting? My mother always did wish we were closer to royalty. I wonder how she'd react now.

Leon, it wasn't you, please don't think that for a second. You're wonderful just as you are. I just fancied an upgrade, that's all.

[info]a_royal_prat in [info]colligo_network

Text to Guinevere

I'm going to guess you have here now since you haven't said a word in public yet. At least there is some sense somewhere in all of this.

Who are you with now?

[info]witchwithaplan in [info]colligo_network

Well Damon, seems like this place didn't think that our "love" was meant to be. It's not you, it's ... actually, it's not me either, but it was fun while it lasted.

[Family Filter]

Guess who I have now. No, seriously guess.

Edited in a minute later: You won't be able to. So I'll tell you. Dream! As in Morpheus himself. Though I still don't like being forced into marri

Piper, Leo, who are the two of you married to now?

[info]a_royal_prat in [info]colligo_network

Since Morgana doesn't seem to want to ask it, does anyone know who my father has been placed with this time. And why he's been so quiet this whole damn time about this. He's not dead, is he?

[Filtered; Gwaine & Leon]
The both of you are all right, yes?

[info]themanwholives in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Donna]

Hello, I know that we've never spoken before. But I'm Harry Potter, Lily's son. I'd promised Lily a day at the museums if things went back to normal today; except I was thinking that she would enjoy having it anyway. I hope that you don't mind if I take her for a few hours.

[info]notyourmate in [info]colligo_network

Not sure I can even be mad this time, I'm too amused to do much yelling. Someone shouldn't have opened his big fat mouth. This place has a sick sense of humor.

Lily, I'm sorry you're stuck with me again.

All the rest of you lot okay? No one's killed each other yet?

[info]artofthecon in [info]colligo_network

I really do keep lucking out on this marriage thing.

Sophie, there's a new exhibit at the museum I wanted to visit. Would you be interested in going?

[info]niblet in [info]colligo_network

And tonight, Elena gets to learn all about my 2am snack cravings.