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December 29th, 2010

[info]oncemighty in [info]colligo_network

I really hate working with limited resources, but I managed to cobble together enough bits and bobbles to bang out a few dozen electroshock guns. It's an old design that I didn't really have time to modernize so I apologize for the unintentional steampunk vibe. And their power capacitors aren't as good as I would like so they'll have to be recharged everyone ten hours or so. But they'll be a decent defense for anyone without any other means.

[info]askmetomorrow in [info]colligo_network

Will someone please tell me what is going on?

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_network

I can't believe she's dead
I can't believe Merlin did that to me

Is everyone doing alright for things? I need something to keep me busy

[info]witchwithaplan in [info]colligo_network

Has anyone seen I can’t sense him? Why can’t I sense him He’s not He can’t be If he’s dead, I’m going to find a spell in the Book to bring him back just so I can kick his I Oh, God

Stupid PDA. Work!

[Prue] [Piper] [Piper] [Peter] [Pi [Prue]
I can’t sense Chris anymore. I don't Pip I'm going to see if I can get one of those guns and go looking for him. Because if he's out the I'll be there and back before you know it.

[info]evilslutvamp in [info]colligo_network

Well, now that my little secret is out, I feel like I should say a little something. It was so nice getting to spend so much time in your apartment, Damon and Alaric. The invitation inside was just so polite of you. I'll leave you a little thank you present on the counter in a day or two.

[info]thegoodbrother in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Gabriel, Claire and Angela )

[info]originalcharms in [info]colligo_network

I hate this place. I, for one, have had enough of these things. We need a plan and we need it now.

Filtered to Piper )

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

I hate this. I feel so helpless and I Okay. If anyone is hurt, we have plenty of supplies at the clinic and can heal any wound pretty much within seconds. Literally. If you don't think you can make it here, we can find you a way.

For anyone who isn't a part of the fighting, if you need a safe place to stay, feel free to also come to the clinic. The Toclafane aren't getting inside. So says the Principality and if anyone wants to question him, that's on you.

For everybody out there fighting these things, if there's anything you might need, please speak up. Whatever it is, someone in the city can probably get it and, if it can't be found, you'd be surprised how creative some of us can be.

[info]amotherstouch in [info]colligo_network

Whoever is responsible for these toclafane is going to pay dearly.

[info]gracelessangel in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Aziraphale and Gabriel )