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December 6th, 2010

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

Eight digits! Ha! Finally!

And am I the only one who finds it a weird that the city that likes to screw with us is suddenly giving people presents? I wonder how long before they all turn evil and hack us to pieces in our sleep.

[info]bangafewgongs in [info]colligo_network

I feel like I'm finally a productive member of society.

That's right, I have a real people job that doesn't involve getting people drunk so they'll lose money gambling.

Well...I still have that job too.

With some help, I'm opening up a center. It's sort of a soup kitchen-slash-shelter-slash-counselling-and-rehabilitation-center. I'd have used actual slashes, but then it would look like I'm writing weird, existential fanfiction.

We have a building and, with any luck, everything should be all set up by Christmas.

If anyone's new and/or looking for a job, we can use the help.


[info]_ten_ in [info]colligo_network

Turns out it's rather difficult to teach physics to people who get all confused and agitated whenever you mention whoever's in charge or why we're here. Honestly. I'm surprised they all manage to stay in their seats.

Apart from that one boy...

But he got up again. He was fine. Strong bones, I reckon. Or weak floorboards. You know, health and safety in this place could really use a rethink. There should be a suggestion box. I love a good suggestion box.

Why do they do that, I wonder? What happens to them?

[info]_ofthelake in [info]colligo_network

[Voice Post]

Is there anyone who could teach me how to read? I'd like to learn.