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December 2nd, 2010

[info]whatstarsdo in [info]colligo_network

Oh my good heavens. It's lovely. Where did it come from?

Obi-Wan )

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network


Where'd they come from

[info]ilovetherunning in [info]colligo_network

Nobody panic but I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't suppose anyone's seen a giant suit of armour wandering about? If anyone spots a tin can with legs - rather surly fellow, in fact - let me know, yeah?

Right. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about but it seems one of the guards has escaped may be making his way back to the library. It's entirely possibly he's simply taking a stroll, of course, as the weather is rather lovely if a bit cold and he has to get tired of staring at the same walls and books all the time. I really don't see the need for panic in that instance - wouldn't want someone attacking you just for looking about, yeah? - but he may be a bit tetchy at not being where he belongs so it may be for the best to run not to approach him should you spot him. Just let me know and I'll take care of it.

Filtered to the Master )

[info]selenophobe in [info]colligo_network

okay, i HOW do I Oh, there we go

Okay, I'm really rather confused, mostly about the thing where the calendar on this contraption says it's 2010. I was quite sure it was 1980. Could someone please explain what's going on? There's a war going on and I can't just

[info]oncemighty in [info]colligo_network

Someone here loves me. Someone here really, really loves me.

filtered to Helen Magnus )

[info]soundsmadeup in [info]colligo_network

Hey, Nicky.

I saw this and thought of you.

Cut for the sake of friend pages )

Was Edison really that much of a douche?

Also? I'm calling you Electric Jesus now. Not negotiable.

In other news? Best day ever!

Filtered to Dr. Magnus )

Filtered to Ashley Magnus )

Filtered to Lestrade )

[info]sacredvessel in [info]colligo_network

Guess who finally managed to bake her cookies without making any burnt sacrifices? Oh yeah! That would be moi.

[info]do_what_i_must in [info]colligo_network

Oh kriff, I had forgotten just how tall he was

Tahiri, would you like to come round for tea? I would like to introduce you to a couple of people.

[info]archaic_rival in [info]colligo_network

Jade...I think I got your present by mistake.

Not that I mind.
Tags: ,

[info]harvelle in [info]colligo_network

At least now I've got something to remember dad by.