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October 12th, 2010

[info]notsolittlerock in [info]colligo_network

Shit! Shit shit shit! Fuck!

Not what I meant! Really not what I meant!

Okay, everyone, don't panic, but there's kinda maybe some zombies running around. A lot of them.

Zombie Fighting 101
• Kill shots. Don't aim to wound because then you've just got a pissed off, one-armed zombie who wants your tasty brainmeat. Aim for the head.
• Always double tap. Even if you think they're dead, make sure by hitting them a second time.
• Never let your guard down. You never know when those fuckers will show up.
• Empathy is the enemy. I don't care if they look like your mom, your brother or your best friend, Steve. Shoot to kill. No matter how much they care about you, they're only interested in killing or infecting you.
• Avoid axes. Zombie gore is messy and you can slip and fall and then you're screwed. Guns aren't the only answer, but they're the easiest and the quickest.
• If you're cornered by zombies and there's no one to help and you're down to one bullet? Do us all a favor and use it on yourself.
• Don't try to be a hero. You'll probably just get dead.

Any questions?

[info]winchestersmile in [info]colligo_network

Claire, Dad...

Can we talk?

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

This really would figure. The one time my ability would come in handy and I can't even help. Dammit.

Filtered to Dean )

[info]reasonbackward in [info]colligo_network


It certainly hinders an investigation when the corpse gets up and walks away.

[info]rabbitholes in [info]colligo_network

Zombies? Seriously?

Actual zombies?

Okay, now it's just ridiculous.

[info]dream_bigger in [info]colligo_network

Doesn't this fucking place ever stop? Christ almighty.

[info]pad_foot in [info]colligo_network

Y'know, when it comes to things from home, Inferi are something I really would have been happy to leave behind... They're a bit freakish. And they don't smell any better over here either.

[info]ikickdinosaurs in [info]colligo_network

Suddenly, I'm not all that fond of having a ground-floor flat.

[info]thedruidboy in [info]colligo_network

Who brought the people back from the earth?
I don't like them. But the magic must be powerful.

[info]gracelessangel in [info]colligo_network

There are zombies outside and we don't have a single drop of coffee in the house. Figures.

Filtered to Endverse!Castiel )

[info]notsolittlerock in [info]colligo_network

Attention zombie fighting types!

Running around just doing our own thing is all well and good, but it's a waste of time and resources. I know a lot of you are wondering why the hell I think I'm the person to be telling you what to do. I'm just an eighteen year old smartass. But I've been killing zombies since I was twelve. And I'm also the best damn person to get people through this alive.

So we all need to get together in one place. And we need to get organized. If we all know what we're doing, so we're not missing anything and we all have each other's backs, then we just might get through this. Come to the Roadhouse, or don't if you think I'm full of shit. But Adam's keeping out the zombies for now and once we're all together in one place we can make sure we know what we're doing. Bring weapons and ammo if you have 'em. We can help you out if you don't.

Over and out.

[info]inafivepoundbag in [info]colligo_network

The zombies are squishy. Cool!

Oh! So the locals are stupid. Or maybe more stupid. They aren't running very much at all. Now I only know a whole lot about a few very select things and this isn't one of them. But, shouldn't we be figuring out a way to stop the zombies from increasing their numbers?

Just a thought.

[info]archaic_rival in [info]colligo_network

Jo )

[info]metamorpheus in [info]colligo_network

O grave, where is thy victory?
O Death, where is thy sting?

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_network

I seem to be missing someone the day the dead start to walk.

Arthur Pendragon if you do not get back to this house soon I swear to god.