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August 29th, 2010

[info]son_of_angel in [info]colligo_network

[OOC: Backdated, takes place at the time of this]

Alright.. I know who I am. Or my name, at the very least. Connor Reilly. I have a job at the video store too and take classes at the university. Well, not until the semester starts anyway though I still need to find out from my records what my major was. And the city is Colligo. But that's pretty much it so far. Haven't figured out much about my hobbies or interests. Got theories of it but nothing solid.

Though, music? I listened to some after finding some CDs around my room. Seems I like rock, hard rock. Also seem to like a bit of the oldies too, like 70s to 80s era, like the classics. Guess this will be a trial and error type thing for a while. Like, experimenting, seeing movies and music; seeing how little or how much I like each category. Looked at myself in the mirror a little too. I guess I work out quite a lot at one of the gyms. But does anyone else know me, anyone I work with? Or anyone that knew me for a long time, that can tell me about my family? They probably miss me. I wonder if my parents are still together, or if I even have parents. Or any brothers or sisters.

[info]what_is_real in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Eames, Arthur and Dom Cobb

We need to talk. Now.

[info]goallbuffyonus in [info]colligo_network

You'd think, after all this time, I'd be used to this place screwing with us but apparently not.

Anybody have any idea what in the hell was up with all of... whatever that was?

[info]minesbigger in [info]colligo_network

Rumors of my death have been greatly over exaggerated.

Mary Winchester )

[info]harvelle in [info]colligo_network

Who's up for getting very drunk with me tonight? The more, the merrier. And also I need a guy to have wild drunk sex with because I am NOT gay

[info]niblet in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Adam Milligan )

[info]son_of_angel in [info]colligo_network

So good to be back to a hundred percent again. It's safe to say I remember everything. I'm Connor Reilly, I know what classes I'm gonna take, I used to go to Stanford, my real dad was Angel (founder of A.I., back in LA), I work out once in a great while. Not all the time, don't really need to since I'm fine just as I am. I'm also pretty good at tracking things too.

Not much of any ideas of what caused all this though. Maybe one, but he'd be dead of old age as much as any other cause. Ancient, ugly guy with red skin and breathing problems. But chances are we might never find out the cause. Just glad to be back to ourselves again, or myself at least. If anyone wants to hang out or get a drink, I'll be going out tonight.

[info]boy_scout in [info]colligo_network

Great news. I have a job. There were a few fields I'm good at. Reporting, security, or food market.. but I picked the first one. I just got a job at the local newspaper. So maybe I'll get to research and break some good stories, probably make it a career. It's the same as I had done back where I'm from anyway. Tomorrow will be my first day on the job.

Also, if anyone needs a favor, or just to talk, or if you run into a problem and need some help? Feel free to call, text, or contact me on here anytime and I'll do what I can to help you out. It's no trouble at all, I like helping friends out with stuff.

[info]winchestersmile in [info]colligo_network

[Dad and Claire]

I... have something to tell you guys.

You're not gonna be happy.

But at least it's-

[info]reasonbackward in [info]colligo_network

Is this what it's like for the rest of you? Fogged over and just dismissing every little thing that doesn't make sense, just taking for granted that it's fine? American accents! No tickets. A new phone. A room just so happened to be reserved when neither of us did anything. No regular internet access, just some pathetic facsimile.

There were so many little things I should have noticed!

[info]niblet in [info]colligo_network

Claire Bennett, Ellen Harvelle, and John Winchester )

Dean Bendis )

Hannah Abbott )

[info]righteousman in [info]colligo_network

So...I spent three weeks in a coma, and nobody noticed? Way to make a guy feel special.

Someone want to tell me what's going on?

( God )

Dear sir or madam, since knowing my luck you're Morgan Freeman now or something -

What. The. Fuck?

Cliffnotes please.

[info]futurequeen in [info]colligo_network

Filtered to Arthur/Merlin/Morgana/Uther

I was thinking on going to get some clothes or some of the smaller things for the baby today. Would any of you like to join me?

[info]theflamingsword in [info]colligo_network

Well, that was entirely unpleasant.

( His Crowley )
I'm sor Forgiv I would neve Damn it all

I miss you.