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June 9th, 2010

[info]future_seer in [info]colligo_network

[Filtered to Uther]

I told you to leave them alo I'm a witch. A sorceress. Whatever you wish to call it, I am one. I felt that you should know. That I can have Merlin turn you into a toad if you don't stop Put that in your pipe and smoke it It didn't seem fair for Arthur have the luxury of all of your attention when I had a secret of my own that I was certain that was simply dying to share.

[Filtered to Arthur, Gwen, Merlin]

The three of you might want to lay low for a bit.

I just told Uther that I have magic. I imagine that it'll be a fun and enlightening conversation.

[info]lilmissmapquest in [info]colligo_network

I want a pet. But I had a puppy before, the last time I was here, and I don't know what happened to him when I went back home. I'm not sure it would be very nice to get another one in case that happens again.

[info]magicalsecrets in [info]colligo_network

[ Filtered to Uther ]

There is no Camelot here. You have no power as king, no dungeons, no knights, and no more right then anyone else here. Arthur and Gwen are married and happy. Morgana has magic. You will not get in the way of their happiness, and if you want to come anywhere near them again you'll remember that.

[ ooc | poor uther is getting the smack down left and right ]