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Dec. 31st, 2018


Who: Scarlett Bernard and Stephen Strange with Chrissy Strange
What: Presents
When: Backdated to Christmas morning
Where: Strange's place
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )


Who: Chloe Decker and Chris Halliwell

What: Chris is shopping for work clothes.  No idea what Chloe is up to!

When: Afternoon, New Year's Eve

Where: Walmart

****** )

Dec. 30th, 2018


WHO Diana, Marta & Bruce Wayne
WHAT Family bonding time (aka Training)
WHEN Saturday morning
WHERE Their house
WARNINGS TBD, probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 29th, 2018


And it still amazes me that we spend all this time with decoration and stress for it to last a few days.



How are things with Mal?


I kind of miss the mountains and snow back home. All this wet melty stuff just isn't the same.

[filtered to Kim Possible]
Hey. How was your Christmas?

[filtered to Eddie and Rose]
I have guardian business to discuss with you.


Christmas was such a blast. I want to thank everyone who I got to spend it with. I am happy I got to spend it with so many members of my family. I can't wait to ring in the new year with everyone again.

Dec. 28th, 2018


I have never been so happy to be back in Madison as I am right now.


Who: Amy Santiago and Fred Weasley and kids
What: Random meeting
Where: the park
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


mommy and daddy are assholes they wont let me set anything on fire and took my matches away >:(


There are four kids around here that have way too much energy, I was thinking if other people had that problem we could do some obstacle courses for them, easy to moderate of course for all ages.

How are things going with Vanessa?


Who: Veronica Mars-Rogers and Georgina Kincaid + kids
What: Meeting over coffee
Where: Starbucks
When: Friday late morning
Warnings: nope
Status: started in gdocs; will continue in comments

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Susan Pevensie, Katniss Everdeen, & Bella Everdeen
What: Chatting over archery
Where: Fight Science Academy
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: nope
Status: started in gdocs, will continue in comments

~+~+~+~ )


[Jemma FitzSimmons | Jane Foster]

It can wait until after New Year's but I'm pregnant. With Elizabet.


Who: Molly Walker Barnes, Lance, and Colin
What: Ice Cream!
When: Friday afternoon
Where: In Town
Warnings: TBD
Status: Partial Gdoc TBC

~+~+~+~+~ )



I'd like my best friend back. This has gone on long enough.

[Mal / Jughead]

Nothing like a little crazy at the end of the year, huh?



I want snow! Whens it gonna snow??????????????



Oh, the children are absolutely wonderful! I am so grateful to see our future family.


You know, I haven't put on a show in a long while. If there's enough interest, I'll put one on before the kids go home. That would be fun. I need to exercise those creative cells of mine before they wither. Creating the course is creative but this, this is creative in a different way.

Plus what kid doesn't like actual magic?


Who: Oz and Hermione with Miranda
What: Spending time together
When: backdated to Thursday night
Where: Their place
Warnings: Nah
Status: Closed/started in gdoc finished in comments

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How the bloody hell did the universe think it was a good idea for me to have four kids? Four bloody little Constantines running amok. Things ought to explode any day now.


Who: Lorna Dane, Kenny McCormick, Hazel, and Dawn
What: Meeting and kid stuff.
Where: Jendry’s Pizzeria
When: Backdated to Sunday
Warnings: TBD but with Kenny and Lorna plus their daughter language most likely.
Status: Closed, In Progress/Incomplete Gdoc, finish in comments.

Read more... )


So who's hiring? I'm not spilling over with skills, here. I've got some experience as a barback and dishwasher and I did tend bar a couple of nights when there were callouts, but I wouldn't call myself 'experienced'.

And I am totally down for learning something new instead. I'm actually a pretty quick learner.

Probably should actually wait for the new year to job hunt but hey, one step ahead and I could hit the ball rolling on the 2nd, right?

Dec. 27th, 2018


I forgot my one year anniversary of being here happened on Christmas day. I don't celebrate Christmas, but I will enjoy a box of donuts to commemorate my Madison Valley anniversary.

Does sharing some with my kid make me a bad mom?


WHO: Qrow, Nikita, and Mia
WHAT: More kid stuff
WHEN: Monday [backdated]
WHERE: In town
STATUS: Closed / Incomplete gdoc; to be continued

* * * * * )


I was hoping my daughter would show up, but it looks like Rachel isn't going to. I'm... oddly disappointed.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not.


Who: Eretria and Wil
What: A visit
When: Early morning
Where: Wil and Amberle's
Warnings: none
Status: Completed Gdoc

I come bearing gifts of foods and so on  )


[Filtered to fellow teenage girls from MV proper]

Okay, how long are these future possible kids here for exactly? Because I am so ready and not ready for Amaar's son to go back to the future or whatever it is. He is way too cute it's so not fair


WHO: Kaleb Krychek and OPEN
WHEN: Backdated to December 26
WHERE: Starbucks
WHAT: Observations of Madison Valley and conversation
STATUS: Open; On-Going

*-*-*-* )


WHO Pepper, Dwight, Ryder & Madison
WHAT Family time
WHEN Christmas morning (backdated)
WHERE Their house
WARNINGS tbd, probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

Merry Christmas )


Who: Scarlett Bernard and Open
What: Taking Chrissy to the park
When: Thursday
Where: The park
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/in progress

Read more... )


Private to Jake

cut for image )


[ooc: Backdated to Tuesday before the party posts]

Daddy? Mommy says you are not here but maybe you are now. I've been a good girl.

Am I going to see any of my aunts, uncles, or grandpa today? I want to see all of you!! Please!!

Dec. 26th, 2018


[ooc: Backdated to Saturday]

I have two kids. Those are words I never thought I'd be saying or typing. Really want to know what this place was thinking, but thankfully, they leave soon. Then I'll be needing a drink.


WHO: Ron, Hermione, Rose, & Hugo
WHAT: Meeting the kiddies
WHEN: Saturday afternoon [backdated]
WHERE: Room of Requirement
STATUS: Closed / Incomplete gdoc; to be continued

* * * * * )


WHO Birkhoff, Nikita & Callix
WHAT surprise
WHEN Backdated to Saturday
WHERE Hinkles
WARNINGS tbd probably just language
STATUS closed | incomplete gdoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Matt Murdock and Sara Lance
What: In person meeting and planning
When: Wednesday night
Where: Verdant
Warnings: Probably none, will update if anything wild happens

~*~*~*~ )


oh wow, i have the worst hangover of my life and that is saying something

tried all my cures and nothing's working

whoever that was i went home with last night, hope we had fun


WHO: Julian Blackthorn and OPEN
WHAT: Looking for a Christmas present for Emma
WHEN: Wednesday
WHERE: Downtown, gifts that last
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Has anyone seen Archie this morning? He was supposed to meet me and Meredith for breakfast.

He's not here and not answering his phone.


So I've heard rumors of a gym around here for training of a...slightly more intense variety. Who runs this thing, where is it, and how open is it to use? Logically I know we're not under immediate threats here but I'd rather stay in shape just the same.

[Filtered to the Cortez, Nast & Woods Legal team]

With the holidays settling down, I'd like to get back to work if possible. I understand you're the best legal firm around. I don't have any of my qualifications from home here to back me but I did graduate cum laude from Columbia Law and your employee, Franklin Nelson, can back me up on that.

Would it be possible to consider placement within your firm? I know some of you may have surprise children wandering around right now, so I do understand if you need a bit of extra time to talk things over.


Who: Elsa and Qrow Branwen
When: Sunday [backdated]
Where: Elsa's apartment
What: Kid arrival~
Warnings: Probably some mild language
Status: Closed/In-Progress

The Dome seems to be in quite a giving mood this time of year, doesn’t it? )

Dec. 25th, 2018


[Filtered to Shadowhunters]

Hello. I'm Julian Blackthorn, and Emma Carstairs and I arrived here last night.

I just found out today that we have to have a Guardian over the age of eighteen to look after us, or they'll separate us and put us in different houses. We're parabatai, that's not okay.

Is there anyone who would be willing to take us in? I promise I'll do the cooking and cleaning because I've done that for the past five years anyway and we won't be any trouble.


Who: Jesse McCree, Ella, and kids
When: Sunday [backdated]
Where: Ella and McCree's house
What: Kids~
Warnings: Mild language?
Status: Closed/In-Progress

I don't think it's ever too late for pancakes... )


Who: Jill Mastrano and Sydey Sage
What: Conversations about things
When: Thursday afternoon (forward-dated)
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Dagny, Terezi, Sollux, and Vex + kids
What: Meeting the bbs
Where: Their house
When First day
Warning: Nah.

Read more... )


Huzzah, settled in, and ready to figure out what to do now! And signed back up for school even though I think it's dumb.

Who here knows the Obstacle course? Is it still up? Please say yes? If so who wants to go run it with me??


Who: Everyone Foggy invited over.
What: Christmas.
When: December 25.
Where: Foggy's apartment.
Warnings: Likely low

... )


I arrived in town last night with my parabatai, and we’d like to change our living arrangements. Instead of two one-bedroom apartments we were hoping to find a single two-bedroom one.

Is that possible?


Who: Jill Mastrano and Eddie Castile
What: Delivering a Christmas present
When: Backdated to last night
Where: Eddie's apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

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