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Oct. 6th, 2013


Filtered Against the Council

Do you want to know what I think? I think before we start electing members and ripping to pieces each others theories on gun laws and the rights of illegal immigrants (which we are.) Perhaps we should consider ways in which we can help this community. Everything here is strained, with each of us that arrives it becomes more strained. Food, medical supplies, resources -- we need to consider the fact that this community isn't entirely self-sustaining and our time might be better spent making friends and giving what we can than drawing hard lines in the sand and making demands.

I'm not getting out of bed until Thursday. It's my own fault for deciding I could live on vodka and coffee for 48 hours. Could you bring me some tomato juice?

Or leave me to die, whichever you prefer.

Oct. 5th, 2013


[Filtered Against the Council]

So I'm curious. Why exactly are we letting the council set the terms? They've already made it clear that it isn't our best interests they have in mind. They want us to send a select group of refugees?

How is that anything short of keeping the numbers on their side? I've seen better displaces of democracy in schools of fish than I'm seeing here, at the moment.

Sep. 25th, 2013


If we're going to be stuck in a backwoods town in Indiana, can't we construct some sort of biodome over the city to control the local climate? I mean, if nothing's getting in or out anyway, it seems easy enough to keep temperatures consistent over the city. I could build it. I couldn't pay for it, of course, but I could build it.

Probably be marginally more fun than anything else I could do for work here. Beats signing autographs at the comic book store indefinitely.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


[Filtered away from Harry Dresden and the Council]

So it sounds as if magic is genetic.

If it is, then if you could isolate the coding, you could genemod for magic. I bet my stepmother could do it. But she's not here and there aren't any genelabs, so...

It's just a thought.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


I can't say I particularly mind the cold.

Sep. 18th, 2013


[Filtered away from the Council]

It's two months exactly since I arrived here. When I thought about what I'd be doing now I have to say that being stuck in a little town in Indiana, living in a church, in a world where Kenzo Yagai never lived and neither did my daddy - that's about one of the least probable things I could have thought of, isn't it?

Two months is a long time and they've probably stopped looking for me. I wonder how long Daddy will leave it before he has another daughter instead. I don't really want any more sisters anyway but if he thinks I'm not coming back then...the technology's there and when my generation are older it's the genemodded kids who are going to have the easiest time at everything so he can't give all the money to Alice, she wouldn't know what to do with it.

I still think we'll get home someday but it might take a long time and I don't know what home will look like when I get there.

Also? Is there anyone else here who's...awake at night? And I don't mean to drink in bars and things, just anyone whose sleep pattern isn't like normal.

Sep. 13th, 2013


What a fascinating device! I'm almost afraid to take it apart to see how it works, in fear of not being able to get it back together properly. It must be terribly advanced sympathy to act as a communications device. I've never seen anything like it.

Sep. 8th, 2013


Who: Leisha and OPEN
What: Sleeplessness, insomnia, pondering, Latin, exploring, and who knows what else?
Where: In or just outside the church
When: Saturday/Sunday, early hours of the morning
Warnings: None likely

The nights were the worst. Everyone slept. )

Aug. 31st, 2013


I sought to immortalize myself in history. The chance exists still But I wonder how history will change when I am not there to influence it. I don't understand the science that brought me here, or how it has changed things or what it will mean for the future.

How do I use this thing to look at history? How do I know what changed?

Aug. 30th, 2013


Filter Against the Council

Could someone please explain to me why it is that we are succumbing to the whims of the fearful?

Aug. 21st, 2013


I have been brought here by winds sweeping through the night and a will that saw fit to free my from my wrongful imprisonment. I have been brought here, perhaps as a gift for those who seek prosperity, for those shamed by the unnatural order of this world and her justice, for those who long for peace and contentment in a world torn by war and unrest. I have been brought here as a curse to those who do not heed warnings, who delight in misgivings and pain without progress.

I am Loki, of Asgard and you have my permission to kneel.