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May. 19th, 2018


Who: Sigrun Gard & Thor
Where: Valhalla
When: Evening
Why: Chatting/Training
Warnings: Mentions of nudity but no warnings.
Status: Completed GDoc
She was his one good eye and his hammer, and she was proud of that fact )

May. 16th, 2018


The portal was kind of fun to run around in for once. It was a nice diversion. Kind of sad it's gone. I like when the dome gives us a little more fun to play with.

May. 5th, 2018


WHO: Magnus Chase and Thor Odinson
WHAT: Catching up
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: The park
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 4th, 2018


Did you all miss me?

May. 3rd, 2018


Who likes a good sword fight? I can't get rusty. Also where can I buy potion supplies?


What is the new way of talking about getting older on your birthday now?

Levelling up or something?

May. 1st, 2018


Video post

[ It's early afternoon and Dagny is jumping on her bed singing "Happy birthday" in English. At the very end, she lands in a sitting position with a big smile on her face ]

Happy birthday Sigrun and Thor! I loove yooooou.

[ She waves then she leans forward and turns off the video ]


( Thor )

Happy birthday, my love.

I have things for you.

I would also like to learn Norse if you are willing to teach me.


Who: Everyone, Anyone, It's a feast y'all
What: Birthday Feast / Seasonal Holiday
Where: Valhalla - the 118 acre property that Sigrun has and has built to be a bit of a replica Viking village!
When: May 1st, evening
Why: Thor and Sigrun get a year older! Plus old holidays!
Warnings: Let me know if I need to lock it but it should be kid-safe and family friendly
Status: In Progress, Open

After the night when I wake up, I'll see what tomorrow brings )

Apr. 21st, 2018


I swear... some people... that's not.. i don't .. sigh.

Don't forget, I'll be having a feast on the first to celebrate a couple birthdays. It'll be full of food. I've already begun to prepare. I really do miss the old days, sometimes.


I am so glad Archie is out camping.

Apr. 20th, 2018


I am so glad it's Friday.

I'd like to speak with you at some point, brother mine.

Apr. 18th, 2018


Naked prom is going to be a blast.

( Thor )

Are you going to be there?


I'm definitely into the idea of naked prom.


I am all for this naked prom.

I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but I like it.

( Voice Post to Dagny )

Do you want pizza for dinner?

( Terezi )

Thank you for all your help with Dagny.

Apr. 15th, 2018



I think the house is finally settled perfectly. I've only had Dwight move things around every other weekend. I think I'm finally done.

Apr. 14th, 2018



Um. Hi.


SO fighting that thing was both sucky and awesome at the same time, am I right?

Apr. 10th, 2018


It's nice to have movement back in my shoulder. A silver knife embedded deep was not fun. nor was having it ripped out. Silver hurts so much, and the other wounds were not nearly as awful feeling as that. Thankfully, Scarlett was around to help prevent it from putting me down for much longer, and giving me time to rinse out and scrape out every ounce of silver from my muscles and skin, so thank you, Scarlett for helping. It was a lifesaver.

A couple new scars, and a healthy dose of not wanting to leave Scott's room until I'm a: feeling better and b: he's come back. he has to come back, he can't not.. I... I am incredibly thankful I have a boss who gets the weird shit.

I hope that my abilities aren't a trouble to anyone around me right now, the calm peace thing is a little wavering so ... it's inconsistent. I'm sorry.

Apr. 8th, 2018


It's my twenty first birthday.

I'm in a cage.

My best friend apparently went home.

Happy birthday to me.

Apr. 7th, 2018


Identical but separate texts sent to Sif, Jane, Darcy, Mercy, Nora, Sigrun, and Anna(his daughter)

>> Are you safe?
>> This series of attacks gives me great unease.

Apr. 6th, 2018


[Filtered to all enhanced, supernatural, and magical people, non-humans, and military/vigilante trained humans]

The Pack House has been attacked. Everyone should be on high alert. Please ready yourselves so that we might be as prepared as possible. Please let me know if you are willing and able to assist in tracking and capturing this monster.

Apr. 3rd, 2018


Posted this morning

To those who knew her, it appears Dagny had returned, albeit as a young girl. I've got her at my house currently.

She seems to remember little of her time here before.


I need a job.

Who wants to hire a 16 year old?


Alright - batches of brownies have been baked - who needs a delivery after this week? Your local brownie-dealer is hitting the ground running this week. If you haven't had them yet, well, ask someone who has ;)

Johanna Mason
You get a double batch, lord help us can we ever stop thinking about all that shit?
Actually. Have a triple.

Apr. 2nd, 2018


( Thor )

The club is opening on Wednesday, will you come? I'd like it if you did, I'd be calmer knowing you were there.

Apr. 1st, 2018


Who: Torvi and Thor
What: Healing Torvi
Where: Torvi/Bjorn's
When: April 1stish
Why: she needed proof he was real
Warnings: None really
Status: Completed Gdoc

She wasn't sure she believed he was one of her gods... )


I hate fighting my own brain. It's a war that never fucking ends.


And I lost my fucking job, Because of course I did.

Mar. 31st, 2018


I have decided that I will be ramping up work on my little get away place.

Viking Horde + Family + Wards + those attached to the Viking Horde
Anyone willing to assist in building please let me know, I'd be happy to have extra hands. I think we really need this space up and running. I want to plant some things for spring, too.


WHO Everyone! (handwaving a network that took place on Saturday)
WHAT Easter Egg Hunt & expelling Pitch for good
WHEN Sunday, April 1st, afternoon
WHERE The Park
WARNINGS TBD; likely discussion of nightmares
STATUS OPEN | Party Post

~+~+~+~+~+~ )
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This weirdness seems particularly cruel.

I've spent my life trying to forget the things it's making me live over and over again.


Nightmares: Check
Sleepless nights: Check
Burning yourself over the grill at work: Also Check

Going to work this tired might not have been the best life choice.


[backdated before moon-rise]

Nothing worse than waking nightmares on the night before a full moon. Oh, hell, I hate this place right now. she calls to me tonite, too.

Mar. 30th, 2018


Nothing like dreaming about the deal that damned your whole family over and over again.


Mar. 28th, 2018


I'm retreating to the peace of the land I acquired. Safer to be suffering out of the way of people. not that I'm terribly affected

[Clove, Harry, Nora, Thor, Torvi, Bjorn, Terezi, Arthur Curry, Dagny, Sif]
If any of you wish to come out here, I have two of the longhouses set up and ready for use to sleep in. They aren't perfect, but they'll do. And we can train and spar and help let go of some of the grips the nightmares seem to have on people.

[ooc: I'll put up an closed thread for all of them if any are interested]

Mar. 27th, 2018


( Thor )

I don't think I want to sleep tonight.


No one else is seeing a creepy lady in red are they? It's just a dream? And not destroying my mind?

Seems there's a lot of this going around.

Mar. 24th, 2018


I feel like it was a poor life choice to buy a white dress for Steph for Easter.

cut for image, not filter )


Apparently I am buying my wards and students half priced candy after the easter holiday. Apparently I have no choice. Remind me why I love my wards and students? Hmm?

To the Viking Crew (extended family, wards, true Vikings, Thor, etc if you aren't sure, ask)
it is a little late but I will be preparing a feast for Ostara.

Mar. 19th, 2018


Who: Bjorn Ironside and Thor Odinson
What: Bjorn meets the God of Thunder.
Where: Town.
When: A few days after Bjorn's arrival.
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed | Completed GDoc.

... )

Mar. 17th, 2018


Three long years here. Incredible.

Mar. 16th, 2018


I can't decide who to tell first so I'm telling everyone.

Izzy and I are parents now! As of earlier today (thanks to my sister for turning up in the middle of the night for us). Max looks like a potato but he's great and Izzy's great.

No really he looks like an awesome little potato guy )

Mar. 15th, 2018


Voice Post, begins in Old Norse
Hello? I... am unsure of this thing.

Goodness this is strange.

I am Torvi... How do i make this..

Voice: Translated to English
Hello.. I am Torvi. I.. do not know how to use this thing.


I'm so glad to be home. Being stuck at the clinic for a few days was annoying.

I haven't gotten the chance yet, but I just wanted to say thank you.

[Stuart/Thor (separate but identical texts)]
Thanks for the food.

Mar. 10th, 2018


( Thor )

I'm back in Madison Valley. I'm going to be at the clinic with Weiss for a bit, but I'll come to you tonight.


Okay, I just need to check that people are still here. Jemma, Leo, Phil, May let me know you're all still here.

I'm sorry to everyone that lost someone. That really sucks, actually it more than sucks and I know nothing I say is gonna make up for losing people you care about but if anyone needs a drinking buddy or anything let me know.

Mar. 9th, 2018


I hope you'll all join us tomorrow to celebrate my fiance's 101st birthday.

Mar. 4th, 2018


WHO Everyone~
WHAT Ella's 20th Birthday Party
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE The Pack House
WARNINGS TBD, shouldn't be any because it's ELLA
STATUS OPEN | Party Post

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 2nd, 2018


WHO Party Post
WHAT Feast
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Through the Portal / The Great Hall
WARNINGS Kick me if this needs locking

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )
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There is a portal to my home that has appeared in the park. My father, Chief Stoick, has allowed me to invite all those who wish to come visit. There will be a feast tonight in honor of Nina really the start of Dragon Racing to come this weekend. Berk has dragons. We race them. You guys can all join. Um. Oh and the portal makes you speak my language. So you don't have to worry about that.


I regret nothing. That said, mmm, I would prefer not to interfere in the love life of my God and his girlfriend. I am from a culture that openness was fine, but I know the limits of my friends.

That said, it could have been worse and I enjoyed having a family. As strange as we were, it was nice. Now it's back to training. If you've been training with me, get ready to get back into it. I am not letting us slide any further behind.

Harry Dresden, Thor, Clove, Dagny, Nora, Terezi
So Dagny proposed a family style picnic/dinner once a week and I think - since I am close to all of you and since some of us were family, that, this really should happen. I enjoyed having a family and I would like to embrace that. Clove is my newest ward and student, everyone.

If you don't wish to come, it's fine - I just thought it would nice. I am hand-carving a table based on one from home and it will be an interesting way to do some teaching on my culture at the same time, if you're up for it everyone.

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