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Jan. 23rd, 2018


This past week has kind of flown by.

This place, it isn't so bad. I mean, the fact it's the middle of winter kind of sucks, because it was spring before I came here which means I'm getting back to back winter seasons, and the cold is hell on the vocal chords, but what can you do?

I'm glad Benji's here with me. Makes it a little easier to deal with.

Jan. 16th, 2018


So yeah, hi. Hey. Decided I'd go ahead and introduce myself.

I'm Benji Applebaum. 19. A cappella singer. I'm in an a cappella group back home at my university and we're called the Treblemakers and we compete. It's like so amazing. Sadly, I don't know that there's a lot of demand for that around here but I also love theater. Musical theater especially, but all theater is great. Performing live gives me such a rush.

I've got the cutest mouse named Houdini. I'm super into close up magic and a huge nerd. I really like all sorts of fandoms but my favorites are Star Wars and Star Trek.

And I'm gonna stop rambling now. How does Jesse make it look so easy. Besides that he's perfect. So yeah. What's up?


Really kind of thought I'd wake up this morning and realise this was all just a dream, but...nope. Still here. Along with Princess Leia? What the hell even is this place?


Poe tells me this is the way most communication is done here so I thought it would be best to introduce myself.

My name is Leia Organa, where I am from I am a General in a resistance movement against a military dictatorship called the First Order. From what I've been told it seems the First Order don't exist here so I have to admit I'm looking forward to the break. And to discovering more about this world.

Jan. 15th, 2018


Who: Benji Applebaum and Jesse Swanson
What: Reuniting after arrival
Where: Hinkles
When: Monday after they both arrived
Warnings: These boys are very excitable
Status: Closed

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So I don't really know what's going on here, but I don't like it.

Benji? Are you here? I was told maybe I could find you on the network.

Beca? Treblemakers? Bellas? Anyone?


Who: Benji Applebaum and OPEN
What: Benji's arrival which happens at near the exact same time as Jesse's arrival.
Where: Near Hinkles. Sidewalk.
When: Monday evening.
Warnings: Nopers.
Status: OPEN

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