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Nov. 15th, 2020


I don't know what everyone is bitching about. That was great!


I really did not need a return to that part of my life.

Thank you for not firing me. I'll pay for the liquor.

I am so so so so sorry! Are you ok?

Never again and I mean it this time Are you going to hold this over my head and does Hope know?

Nov. 14th, 2020


Who: Pietro and Wanda Maximoff
What: Pietro's Arrival
Where: The Farmhouse
When: Saturday Evening into Sunday Morning
Warnings: N/A
Status: Complete | Open to those at the Farmhouse

Do you really think that I'm going anywhere? )


When will this end?

I'm growing tired of it.

Nov. 13th, 2020


Who: Open to all the teens and young adults (15+?) why do I feel like I'm planning a sims event?
What: Party at Dorian's Place
When: Friday night
Where: Dorian's Apartment
Warnings: TBD Locking to be safe, Tweak foreshadowing
Status: Open/Ongoing

And THAT one I set on fire... )


Somehow I've managed to find myself taking care of four children, all boys, no less. And one of them I had been dating. Thank God for the TARDIS and for the Doctor, even if they're not themselves just now. I can't believe the food bills though.

Nov. 12th, 2020


This place is a lot different than London. Also, these clothes are a WHOLE lot better than those ties and old people clothes.


I'm tired of adults watching me.

Even if they are nice.


( Balthazar )

Sam and Dean are teenagers and it's ridiculous.

( Sam and Dean Winchester )

Not getting into trouble, I hope?


Anyone know where I can get some good, strong alcohol?

( Elliott Gilbert )

I think I'm older than you remember?


Who: Penelope Garcia and Penny Kirkman
What: Chatting over coffee
Where: Their house
When: Thursday morning
Warnings: Probably not
Status: Closed/complete

~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Lorna Dane & Open
What: Walking the streets and thinking.
Where: The streets.
When: Thursday afternoon.
Warnings: She's a teen so her mouth isn't as bad, but depends on the person. Will update if this changes.
Status: Open, In Progress

Read more... )


Does anyone know of any dancing stuff here? I like dancing, but I don't know all the places here.

Nov. 11th, 2020


I feel very fortunate that this entire thing skipped over me. It's enough dealing with everyone.

Do have some adorable blackmail material for when it's all over, though.


I actually like it here. Okay, so I miss my family, but it's kind of a small price to pay in order to not be dealing with a bunch of high school seniors who hate my guts.


Since I have this lovely flat all to myself, I was thinking I should have a bit of a party this coming weekend. Food, drinks, and entertainment. Though, nothing like Tevinter.

Who wishes to attend?


I'm bored.

This won't turn out well. Sorry not sorry.


Who: Sean Nast and Open
What: Thinking and avoiding people
When: Wednesday morning
Where: By the river
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Sabrina Spellman and Crowley
What: Sabrina has a proposal
When: Wednesday
Where: Whatever bar Crowley is in today
Warnings: Crowley
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Her uncles would not approve and who cared what her dad thought )


[Backdated to Tuesday]

Signed under "Shawn and Gus" with their network info

Nov. 10th, 2020


Who: Caroline & Open
Where: Verdant
When: Tuesday night
What: Caroline needs a drink because of obvious reasons.
Status: Open; Incomplete
Warnings: TBD

Caroline took a sip from her bourbon...and then another one. )


So...people aging like this is a normal occurrence?


Who: Johanna Mason and Open
What: Enjoying not dealing with kids
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Lou's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Where's a decent place to get a drink that doesn't have Nazi bouncers at the door?!


Who: Tiny!Theo Raeken & Open
What: Playing outside
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: yard around the Pack House
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/Ongoing

Tiny child in the woods. )


WHO: Qrow Branwen & Ruby Rose.
WHAT: Qrow is small and causing trouble for Ruby.
WHEN: Tuesday.
WHERE: Their place.
WARNINGS: Probably none.
STATUS: Close / Ongoing.

If I keep moving, they won't know. I'll morph to someone else. )


Who: Nancy Gama and open
What: Wandering off into the park.
Where: The park
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Warnings: Talks of child abuse, but other than that nothing much. Will update if this changes.
Status: Open, In progress.

Read more... )


Valkyrie & Nat

Guys. I could really use your help. Judith, Nate and Steph are great and all, but we could use some extra hands. Please?

Nov. 9th, 2020


Who: Hope Mikaelson and Open
Where: At the park
When: Sunday afternoon
What: Swinging on the swings
Status: Open; Incomplete
Warnings: TBD

Hope didn't understand what could have happened. )


Who: Max and Chloe Price
Where: Hinkles
When: Monday night
What: Talking about potentially starting a family (both aged up for the plot)
Status: Closed; Incomplete
Warnings: TBD

It was kind of a huge conversation. )


Who: Mary Winchester and Dean Winchester
Where: Their house
When: Monday night
What: Hanging out together
Status: Closed; Incomplete
Warnings: TBD

Mary wanted to enjoy as much time as she could with her boys. )


So, what's everyone up to this week? Anything exciting happening?


With all the chaos this place has dished out recently, I can honestly say for once in my years that I'm glad to not be a daywalker. What with the majority of the chaos now having an early bedtime.


Who: Jedikiah Price and Vanya Hargreeves
What: Awkward teenagers being awkward
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Jeffrey Spender and Open
What: Avoiding his own issues
When: Early Monday morning
Where: The park
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Oh, this place. It never fails to disappoint.


Hello? I'm hungry There's a lot of kids here. Are we allowed to be outside? Is this some sort of test?

[To Cole]

This phone has your name in it. Who are you?


Since there doesn't seem to be any parties lined up this week, I'd like to announce I'm organizing one at the local gallery on Wednesday. Charity to be decided. Tickets will be $300 a person. This place needs something fun.


Alright, who changed the settings on the TARDIS? She's saying it's ME who's different, but I don't feel different. Still feel like me. Even have the same ten toes.


Who: Shawn Spencer and OPEN (Multiples Welcome)
What: Little Shawn is 'detectiving'
When: Monday Afternoon
Where: Park
Rating: Low

Read more... )


Who: Liz Parker and Kyle Valenti
What: Age Plot, a run in
When: Monday
Where: Clinic
Rating: Low

Older and Different )


Who: Adam and Ronan
What: Retrieving a stray Opal
Where: Close to home
When: 11/9 - Early morning
Warnings: Language/It's Ronan
Status: Closed | On-going

Either way, he can't help but smile when he sees her. )


[to non affected]

If anyone needs help keeping young ones, human or wolf or anything, calm let me know. That's my ability and all.

Nov. 8th, 2020


This isn't right.

I don't even know whose place I'm in. This isn't mom's place.


[Accidental voice post]

Cén áit é seo? ...Cá bhfuil mo mháthair?

Tá sí ag dul a bheith crosta liom go bhfuilim in easnamh!*

*[What place is this? ...Where is my mother?

She is going to be cross with me that I am missing!]


[Filtered away from Lizzie]

Being a vampire makes you immune to a lot of things, but headaches are not one of them.

I'm going to take my adult daughter's advice, use the Chase, and go shopping...for some aspirin.


What the hell? Lissa? Please tell me you are here.


Moooooom! The dome's doing it again! Dad's all tiny and stuff.


...What the hell is going on? How did I get here?



Hey, there's some weirdness going on again. Just want to know if you're the right age okay.

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