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Feb. 20th, 2021


Who: Daniel Jackson & Sara Lance
What: He's showing up nekkid
When: Saturday evening
Where: Verdant
Warnings: Nekkid!Daniel
Status: Closed/Ongoing

He's never going to get to finish that shower. )

Feb. 4th, 2021


[Text to Peter Hale]
›› So today got a little intense there.

Feb. 3rd, 2021


There are ten shopping days until Valentine's Day. Okay, like, technically eleven if you count the day of, but come on. Be prepared.

If you want to make it easy on yourself, you can order a Valentine's Day gram and I'll take care of your obligations for you. Fill out this form.

For those of you who are saying "But Darcy, what is Valentine's Day" - it's basically a day that greeting card companies and jewelers conspired to make a big celebration of love so they could sell their products. So if you're in a relationship with someone, you should definitely do something nice for them. And of course, you can also do nice things for your friends and family too!

Also, thanks to everyone for making speed dating awesome yet again.

Jan. 31st, 2021


Wanna run?

Anyone up for a run? I need someone to show me a few good places. It's getting to be time for a Change.


Dad! I was invited to go on a boat!

Jan. 30th, 2021


I can't wait to hear the stories about tonight's Speed Dating!

Jan. 31st, 2021


What is the world coming to?

So, as a result of today's inquiries it seems that I have found myself gainful employment, captaining a small ship taking passengers around the lake.

Jack Rackham, doing honest work. Who would have thought it?

I think I might hate myself for it, a little, but it does beat starving in the streets, and besides, it means that I get to sail again, which I've missed.

Jan. 30th, 2021


Lunch tomorrow? I want to hear how the dates went.


Good luck at the speed dating, those of you who are going.


[Archer Club]
I'm going out tomorrow to check the cabin and campsite and see if anything needs to be repaired. Anyone want to join me?


I hear things about a hedgehog that foretells of an early Spring. Where do I find this hedgehog and how do I bribe him to bring the warmth as early as possible?

Jan. 29th, 2021


Hellooooooo Verdant

Who: Me and any employee currently in Verdant
What: Introducing myself and inquiring about a job
Where: Verdant
When: late afternoon Jan. 28th
Status: open

Got a new shirt and ready to start working )


For once, I am looking forward to this weekend, I need to get out of the house and away from work too. I so easily get sucked into working that I forget to be social.


Looking forwards.

There are people who have been here seven years. Seven fucking years.

Hearing that and really registering it as the truth has led to some uncomfortable soul searching. I might never see Nassau again. I might never see Anne again. Not that our marriage was in a fantastic place when I left. She is likely very happy with Max.

With that in mind I've signed up for something called speed-dating, which I gather is where you meet people, with the possibility of hitting it off and pursuing romance. There's a certain someone that I'm hoping will be there, but I'm keeping an open mind. A very open mind. A very, very open mind.

I ticked the open that matched me with men as well as women. Let's see how that goes, I suppose. You only live once and all that.


Realized the other day that I've been here just shy of seven years. It's a little disconcerting to actually think about that, to look at how much I've gone through and how much has changed.

Okay, that's a lie. It's a lot disconcerting.



Since Sam and Shosanna were kind enough to look after Giovanni I put myself forward for something called... speed dating. I don't know exactly what it entails but the poster said that it's a good way of meeting people, and it mentioned the possibility of.... romance?

I wonder if there'll be any handsome, eligible suitors there...

Jan. 28th, 2021


I am almost looking forward to seeing what Darcy is up to for Speed Dating. Is that bad? That's weird.


I guess being here, it's not so bad. It's been three months. How has it been three months already?


It feels like a lifetime ago I was on the ground. Living a completely different life.

I have been practicing archery with Katniss. Do you want to learn?


I am thinking about getting a dog from the shelter.


I've been back in Madison for two months, and it's like I never left.


Coffee House meeting

Who: Lucrezia Borgia and Castiel
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co
When: Wednesday evening
What: Lucrezia wants to meet a real life angel!
Status/Rating: Low
Warnings: None

Angels in America )


Homebrew meeting

Who: Jack Rackham and Sigrun Gard
Where: Home Brew
When: Wednesday evening
What: Just a quiet drink
Status/Rating: Incomplete/
Warnings: Alcohol

Jack ventures out. )


( Darcy Lewis )

I'm sorry to bother you, but I'm not really close to women from this time, and I know you're close to Sam...

Jan. 27th, 2021


The dome decided I needed to be gifted my violin this time around.

For once, I approve.


To: Shosanna and Sam Winchester

There's a man in the town called Wade Wilson, who says that he looks after children. Have you heard of him at all? Should I be concerned?


Well, now that we're back to the normal Indiana activities, I'm starting to wonder if we should have a betting book for what will happen next.

Or is someone already doing that, and I've just missed out?


Newcomer to the domed city.

[Open to all]

My name is Lucrezia Borgia, and God has seen fit to deliver me from my time and place to this town in a bubble.

In some ways I am very fortunate. I am blessed to have my son Giovanni with me, and have been taken in by Sam and Shosanna Winchester to live with them for the time being, for which I am filled with gratitude. I have been given some money, though it is limited and will not last me forever.

I prayed to God for a fresh start and relief from my name and my situation, and it seems my prayers have been answered. Perhaps now I am finally free to be mistress of my own destiny here, instead of being locked into yet another unhappy marriage if my father would have his way.

How is everyone else adjusting to life in this strange place? Is there happiness to be found here? Do you miss the family that you had to leave behind?

Jan. 26th, 2021


Wow, Chidi. All that time I spent running the fake Bad Place/Good Place and torturing you and the others, I never thought to use snowmen that would come alive and attack. Feels like a missed opportunity, now.


[after this]

( Sam Winchester )

There is a woman who just arrived here with her small child. Her name is Lucrezia Borgia, she seems to be from the Renaissance. I told her she could stay with us for a bit. Is that alright?

I am not completely sure she speaks English.


It's hard to do nails with a broken wrist.

I guess I should get a job so I can pay someone else to do it.


Who: John Murphy and Reileen Kawahara
What: Making Reileen's life miserable -- aka "just a random run-in"
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 25th, 2021


Who: Melinda and Newt
Where: Wal-Mart
When: Monday evening
What: Match-Up
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Time to do a little shopping )


Who: Steve Rogers and Leonard Snart
What: Match up/meeting of the security minds
When: Nowish
Where: Hinkles
Warnings: Nah
Status: Completed GDoc

Hinkles was packed )


The recent snowstorm made me realize it's been awhile since I've thrown a pool party in the middle of winter at my place.

And for those who are new or don't know, it won't be freezing cold. Death usually heats the area surrounding the pool, so it feels more like summer.

Hey, dude. Happy birthday.


Who: mercy and Viktor Krum
What: matchup, snowmen!
When: backdated, Saturday?
Where: town

ffs, snow men? )


delivery to: Sweeney )


When all this happened, I guess being locked up in the school wasn't so bad. At least we had ways of keeping ourselves fed and warm.



Hey Winter-Woman, I know this is probably a stupid question, but you okay?


I'm going to need about 3 whole days of Kaa time with no interruptions and I won't take no for an answer.


If anyone needs a drink after this week, do let me know, Homebrew will spot you one on the house.


Well, thank God it's warming up. That's certainly helpful.

Because I doubt any of us wanted to deal with those things any longer.


Who: Mare Barrow and Isaac Lahey.
What: Match-up.
Where: The park.
When: Monday, January 25.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed | Match-up.

I can make the bad guys good for a weekend. )

Jan. 24th, 2021


Those stupid snow bitches suck. I broke my wrist and 2 fingers, 1 of which is my favorite finger.

The doctor at the hospital wouldn't let me have painkillers, apparently I have an "addictive personality". Whatever. Joke's on him because I've got a whole flour canister in the kitchen full of happy pills.

Thanks again for taking care of things, you're the best fuckbuddy ever.

Everyone alright? Please tell me everyone's alright. You know how I worry.


Who: Elsa and Weiss
Where: The gelato shop
When: Wednesday into Thursday
What: Getting snowed-in at work.
Status: Closed; Completed G-doc.
Warnings: None.

Let it snow. )


Who: Sheppard and Caroline
What: Snowed In
Where: The School
When: Jan. 19th
Warnings: Low
Status: Closed | Complete

~*~*~*~ )


WHO: Chloe Price & Max Caulfield.
WHAT: Rescuing Chloe.
WHEN: Saturday.
WHERE: In town.
WARNINGS: Low-ish.
STATUS: Closed/Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )

Jan. 25th, 2021


Lucrezia arrives in Walmart.

Who: Lucrezia and Shosanna Dreyfus
What: New Arrival
When: Sunday morning
Where: In Walmart
Warnings: None as yet
Status: Open, ongoing, available for anyone

Lucrezia in Wonderland )

Jan. 24th, 2021


Who: Bobby and Zari
What: Match up Run In
Where: Streets
When: Backdated to Jan 15
Rating: low

Fun fact - he hated running )


Those damn snowmen.

I haven't hurt this much in a long time.

I may have a broken arm.


[Dean Winchester]
Happy birthday, Dean.

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