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Jul. 1st, 2020


Penelope Garcia

Greetings. My name is Nimue. I had the great fortune to make the acquaintance of the child named Penny at the library. It seems the young lady has an interest in horses, and it was brought to my attention that there are stables nearby. I seek your permission to take dear Penny to said stables so that she might become better acquainted with the beasts.

Jun. 27th, 2020


I miss my mom. Especially since I came up with a whole movie idea. I just wanted to make her proud and now she won’t be here to see it or anything. But, I am grateful to have my aunts here with me. Even though it’s not the same, they still give me hope that I’ll be okay. Now nobody else I love and have grown close to better not leave....I won’t allow it.

Jun. 25th, 2020


I have learned that entering the lake as the goddess made me is frowned upon. One would think that I had committed some vile sin for how the authorities behaved. Do they believe that our bodies disappear when we don our clothing? Honestly.


Who: Penny Kirkman and Open
What: Finding something to read
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The library
Warnings: None
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 21st, 2020



My dear lady, I would very much like to meet you and get to know you better.

Would you have time for lunch?

May. 20th, 2020


Who: Nimue & Kenny
What: The most unlikely run in
When: Back during the cold-snap in April
Where: On the street
Warning: Nah
Status: Complete

Nimue makes a friend? )

May. 17th, 2020


I am so very glad Elizabeth did not gain any siblings last week.

Having a job is not nearly as annoying as I thought it would be.

May. 4th, 2020


So, how often does bollocks like this happen around here? And what is the cause of it? Is there a library or museum where I can learn about the history and culture of this place? Or someone who can teach me a bit more about how things work around here?

Apr. 28th, 2020


Beltane approaches. Who would wish to celebrate it with me?

[ooc: um...and by celebrate she means in the ancient pagan way. *ahem* :D But that's obviously not really apparent.]

Apr. 10th, 2020


So. I've been told I should acquire employment. Since I do enjoy some of the finer things, and a roof over my head, I see the wisdom in this. Does anyone have any recommendations?

Apr. 4th, 2020


Hello, luvs. My name is Nimue. So very glad I found my way here, and this is a fascinating device. Now tell me. Where might I find Merlin?