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May. 10th, 2018


Ah, I love my life. I should go through the portal and explore. Do you think they'd appreciate or hunt down a necromancer? Just asking.

Not Filtered, saving your f-lists )

May. 4th, 2018


Liir likes Queen.

I knew I liked him for a reason.


Did you all miss me?

Apr. 27th, 2018


Anyone named Mercedes or Rachel or anyone I know here?

Apr. 21st, 2018


With only a month or so left in the school year, I'm curious as to who will be graduating this year, and what your plans are for after the completion of high school.

How many of you are planning to attend college?

I would be glad to help with your applications and such as needed.

It is good to feel useful

Apr. 19th, 2018


Who: Under 21s
What: Prom
Where: Community Center
When: Friday evening
Warnings: let me know if I need to lock the post
Status: PARTY POST!!
OOC Note: Posting this a day early so people can get started. Paige or I will post the teen camp out tomorrow night or Saturday AM.

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 18th, 2018


Who: Kurt and Elphaba, with Liir
What: Daily life
Where: Their place
When: Afternoon/Evening
Warnings: Elphie is a terrible mother
Status: Closed

Read more... )

Apr. 14th, 2018


( Star Butterfly )

I know I'm not in high school anymore but I wanted to see if you wanted to go to prom.

Edited: For Charles Xavier )


I heard some people talk about prom. What is that??

[ooc: mentions of her abusive history in comments]


I am glad to see that everything seems to be back to normal for the time being.

I must admit that it felt a bit strange to be in the periphery of this particular attack.

Apr. 6th, 2018


[Filtered to all enhanced, supernatural, and magical people, non-humans, and military/vigilante trained humans]

The Pack House has been attacked. Everyone should be on high alert. Please ready yourselves so that we might be as prepared as possible. Please let me know if you are willing and able to assist in tracking and capturing this monster.

Mar. 31st, 2018


I feel like I've fallen into an episode of Doctor Who.

Weird question, are there any Cubans around? My mom would freak out if I stayed with a non-Cuban. If there aren't any, I guess any Latinx people would be okay though. Or at least someone Catholic and LGBT friendly.

Oh, I'm Elena Alvarez. My pronouns are she/her.


I can't even decide what is real or not anymore. Please, someone watch over Nina and make sure I don't do any more harm.

Mar. 29th, 2018


I understand having the occasional dream of my nearly dying. It is the sort of thing to have a nightmare about. But more than one night? That's not occasional.

That's torture.


Why does it seem like the dreams are only getting worse?


These nightmares really need to go away. I'm tired of finding myself outside or in another room because I phased in my sleep to escape.

Mar. 25th, 2018


Who: Raven Darkholme and Kurt Wagner
What: Dinner
Where: Raven's apartment
When: Sunday evening
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


It's not that I don't appreciate being given this weird phone thing, or that I got a place to crash thanks to the foster care stuff...but seriously this really isn't how I figured my trip to my aunt and uncle's place would turn out.

Swear I just dozed off for a bit on the flight, but instead of waking up in Cincinnati I ended up here.

I don't suppose it's possible to reach out and maybe let my folks, or even my aunt and uncle, know that I'm okay? Really don't wanna worry em or anything.

Mar. 24th, 2018


( Raven Darkholme )

Would you like to meet for lunch? Or coffee?

( Princess Star Butterfly )


How have you been?

Mar. 21st, 2018


I found this... book? It was in the living room, and I've never seen it before now.

Liir actually found it.

Elphaba is it yours?

Mar. 12th, 2018


( Elphaba Thropp )

I have an extra room as my roommate appears to have been sent home.

If you would like you can stay there.

I mean, it will mean I can help watch Liir and you won't be away from him.

Mar. 10th, 2018


I think Finn's gone.


...Bobby's gone.

I can't-I can't do this-

I can't!

Mar. 9th, 2018


Filtered to Star Wars folks

I can't seem to find Finn, is he with any of you?

Mar. 8th, 2018


I feel like I have missed a shit ton of things between 1983 and 2018.

Like music.

And movies.

I need to catch up.

Mar. 1st, 2018


I never want to forget who I am again.

It's ridiculous. Everyone knows I'm entirely unforgettable.


Elphaba, I have Liir.

In other news, I remember why I'm blue.


That is certainly enough of that.

I haven't had a headache like that since I was nine years old.


Oh, hell no.

Feb. 24th, 2018


The voices...they won't stop. Someone make it stop.



A few questions.

1) Why am I blue?

2) I think I just teleported. Can anyone else do this?

3) Is this child mine?


Uh, so can anyone else like randomly transport places? Like it's flipping crazy...

Feb. 22nd, 2018


You know I've never really lived anywhere there was seasons, unless you count the whole state of California is burning season. I'm still not sure if I like it or not.

Feb. 20th, 2018


I know, I know, you're all asking, "Where is my gossip post Stiles? I need my gossip posts!"

Well homework and distracting Nick and Kate and of course having to baby sit my girlfriend for a week while she was five sort of had me not paying attention. I'm sure I'll get to it soon.

Feb. 19th, 2018


Less than a month until the best holiday.

Feb. 16th, 2018


I am rather glad Valentine's Day is over and done with.

Thank you, for those who sent me something.

( Leia Organa and Poe Dameron )

It was nice meeting the two of you. I'm glad to have met two people so important to Finn.

Feb. 14th, 2018


I remain unimpressed by this village.

Feb. 7th, 2018


My attempts to defeat the dome around this city have met with failure.

It would appear I am indeed trapped here.

Feb. 4th, 2018


Forget it, I don't need anyone's help.

Leave me the hell alone.


[Filtered to mutants, magic users, people with supernatural abilities]

I need help.


I was told I could introduce myself here.

Why should I?

I do not care for this place.

Feb. 3rd, 2018


Who: Elphaba Thropp with Liir, OTA
What" Arrival
Where: In town
When: Saturday
Warnings: Not likely
Status: OPEN

Read more... )



New demon hunters arrived, didn't they?


I am jonesing for some breakfast and it's midafternoon.

Luckily, breakfast isn't just a morning meal any longer!

Jan. 26th, 2018


Who: Kurt Wagner and Connor Murphy
What: Kurt meets a child version of Connor.
When: Friday afternoon.
Where: The park.
Warnings: None.
Status: Closed | Incomplete

... )

Jan. 21st, 2018


[Erik, Raven, other mutants]

My god, I'm sorry.




What’s wrong with me? Why am I not working?

What did you do to me???

Jan. 18th, 2018


Who: Clarke Griffin and OPEN
What: Sketching
Where: Madison Valley Tea & Coffee
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: Probably not
Status: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )

Jan. 13th, 2018


On Tuesday, I will be holding an open house at my new home.

Everyone is welcome to attend. There will be food and beverages available.


I would like to individually invite each and every one of you. I hope you will be there. One reason for the purchase of this home was so that you would have a place to stay if needed.


You should come, as well. Perhaps before Tuesday.

Jan. 6th, 2018


I'd pay anything to see Heat Mister come kick Snow Miser's ass and give us some warm temps.

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