April 2024




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Apr. 2nd, 2024


I've already had two explanations on this place with one a lot better than the other. I heard there are some people around here who I may know. For everyone else, I'm Jenna, and a newbie. Since recently, it seems to be drop a lot of shocking information in my direction, I may as well welcome anything else anyone wants to add. Bound to get some surprises in this place from what I hear.

And better to keep my mind off what may be happening at home.

[Elena G.]
Elijah told me you were here. Are you okay?

Apr. 1st, 2024


Who: Elena and Elijah
What: a run-in/convo
When: backdated to early March
Where: Crescent Moon
Rating: low

I like how people can just… be here. There’s not the same sort of drama like there is back home. It’s almost… freeing? )

Mar. 24th, 2024


That pain cleared up why Amara was reacting the way she did.

Can say this was not on my to-do list for the evening. Then again, pretty sure this might not be on anyone's to-do list. Guess mine is going on the backburner for a bit.

So much for checking on Matt and visiting my dad's grave.

Feb. 6th, 2024


Who: Elena Gilbert and OPEN
What: Elena dealing with being new here and a vampire
When: Evening (after the sun went down)
Where: Streets
Rating: low

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Feb. 3rd, 2024


Who: Elena and Damon (briefly ft. Nick)
What: Elena arrives
When: Wednesday Jan 31
Where: Outside Verdant after closing
Rating: low

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