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Dec. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Sinéad and OPEN
WHAT: Thoughts of Christmas
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Looking about the little shops downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 2nd, 2013


When I leave school my cousin and I are going to go traveling. I think we might tour Europe. Perhaps as far afield as Egypt if we're feeling particularly adventurous. A year ago I might have said America too, but I don't much see the sense in visiting twice.

Are there any particular destinations you might recommend? Keeping in mind that I can't jump about through time as I please and likely it'll be 1933 when we go.

Nov. 26th, 2013


We don't have Thanksgiving in Ireland, but the idea of it, I think, is grand. Giving thanks for the good things in your life, and realizing that wherever you are, you haven't gotten there alone.

Don't know if I like so much the part about the murder of the Indians and the racism and all that - actually, I'm pretty sure I don't - but I do like the idea of giving thanks.

I think we all have something we can give thanks for? No matter how terrible things are.

For me, despite it all, I've got my health, and I'm an Irishwoman. That's a good deal to be thankful for right there.

What about the rest of you?

Nov. 24th, 2013


Who: Mahelt & OPEN
What: Church, more culture shock
Where: The church
When: Sunday morning
Warnings: TBD

Read more... )

Nov. 18th, 2013


WHO: Sinéad and Cesare
WHAT: Talking philosophy, politics, religion, etc.
WHEN: Monday evening
WHERE: The Church
WARNINGS: Talk of death, etc
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


Sulfur. Saltpeter. Charcoal. Certainly not the simplest recipe I have ever seen, nor the most common ingredients, but not impossible, not with a little work.

Perhaps I shall be a better cook here than at home and show that librarian who seemed to think it unseemly that I asked for such information!

Nov. 17th, 2013


Has anyone seen Jeremy? I think he's gone. If he's gone he's


I have been told a little about this place. I cannot in Christ's name fathom how I was brought forward eight hundred years - eight hundred! - but I am told that there is nothing to be done for it, and my father always said to me that I ought to make the best of what couldn't be changed.

That said, I have some questions, if one of you might be so kind as to answer.

1. Who is the lord of Indiana? I would speak with him
2. I was asked after magic and I am uncertain: is it herbalism they mean by the word? Or heresy? For they are quite different.
3. The...horseless carts. I admit I'm not sure what my question is, exactly, but - might someone explain them?
4. Could I have directions to the nearest traveler's hospital? I find myself in need of a place to stay for the night.
5. Additionally, I may require the service of a midwife. Is there one to be found here?

Any assistance you might provide will be met with my gratitude.

Mahelt Marshal

Nov. 16th, 2013


WHO: Sinéad Ní Shúilleabháin and OPEN
WHAT: Exploring a new place
WHEN: Saturday
WHERE: A little cafe
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
WARNINGS: Possible talk of death/war, TBD

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Eighty years, and there's nothing left in the world that I recognize.