April 2024




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Jul. 31st, 2020


I had another one of those moments today where I realized just how normal and boring my life can get -- I've got my lesson plans completed for the entirety of the first semester.

That never happened this early before. I'm pretty okay with it.

Jul. 30th, 2020


I know I'm rushing things, but I am totally ready for Fall! Apple cider! Crunchy colorful leaves! Fuzzy sweaters! I want it now!


I guess I need one of these jobs. Anyone got one?

Jul. 29th, 2020


Who: Cassian and John Wick
What: Catching up with an old friend
Where: John's place
When: After this
Warnings: Possible mentions of death, and violence.
Status: Closed/In Progress

Consider this a professional courtesy. )


Who: Chris Argent and Sam Winchester
What: Sort of friends talking... just go with it
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Neils Creek Guns and Ammo
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Johanna Mason and Open
What: Shopping, flailing, same thing
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Maurice's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 28th, 2020


i suck at the network

but halloween isn't that far off and i think we should do something fun

we meaning necromancers



So your parents haven't tried to kill me yet. I'm guessing this is a good thing?


Hey man, what's up?


So I'm thinking that this town should totally have a Star-Wars-Marathon. Like, all nine of them. In a row.



Maybe this is weird, but would you like to go camping this weekend?


So I can't believe I've been here going on two years. It's a lot better place than home.


I do not mind it so much here, but I do wish Watson would arrive soon. I hate being without him.

Can we put in requests for the dome to bring us people?

( Veronica Mars )

How are you doing?


[Private to Bo]

Now that you got your orgy on, pizza and some lame chick flicks?


For the record, if you're trying to hit on someone, take no for an answer.

[Private to Nyssa and Sara]

Yes, I did break the guy's wrist. For the record, I broke it clean so it'll heal fine. But I need some bail money.


Who: Jedikiah Price and Sam Winchester
What: Another run-in
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Cafe attached to That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Private Filter to Steve Rogers]

Hello Mr. Rogers.

The name is John Grimm, and apologies for dropping you a line out of the blue, but I've been informed that we might have a few things in common that I'd be interested in discussing with you at your earliest convenience.


Well, this month has sucked tremendously for me. First my partner got sent home, I ended up spending a week as a drug addicted prostitute, and then another week detoxing from my alternate self's addiction. Thank you everyone who has helped me through all of this, especially my boys, Micah and Jason. I never could have done it without you.

That being said, I need something good to focus on so we're going to do a round of speed dating next month. Saturday, August 22nd. You can fill out the sign up form here.

Here's hoping the dome is less of a dick in August.


Who: Phil Coulson and Open
What: Shopping
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Green Roof Treasures
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Netflix is amazing.

I am not completely sure about the music of this time, though.

Jul. 27th, 2020


Can it be football season yet?

Jaguars rule!


Who: Leo Fitz and Daisy Johnson
What: Kind of checking up on him, kind of... not
When: Monday evening
Where: The lab
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

That's the way I like it )


You know what's annoying as hell? When you start humming songs that only exist for a band that doesn't actually exist.

Because yes, I've spent all damn day humming like every damn song the band played. I'm pretty sure that's weird.


I hate you.

I really hate you.


For anyone who knew him, Link was sent home.

( Tolkienverse )

We have a few new faces in the house. Mal and Evie. They were Elrond's wards and I told them they could live with us. Is that alright with everyone?


I still miss Peter and Crowley. Tux misses Peter too.

But, I have to say, channeling all that into work means my summer garden is looking amazing. Does anyone want some homegrown zucchinis, cucumbers or lettuce? I have plenty right now. See?

behind here for your flist! )


Getting back to my work has been the best part of not being in the 80's. It's not that I didn't love who I was married to, but I didn't touch my work for the entire time and I swear, the Dome just doesn't care about time-sensitive experiments.

I think my stack is having an issue. Or perhaps it is that I am in need of something I cannot get here psychosurgery probably but I have remembered some interesting things I had forgotten. Care to hear about them over dinner?


Who: Alec Lightwood and Open
What: Grocery shopping
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


So my favorite thing about being in the 80s? Having a brother that was actually a decent person all the way around.

I mean, don't get me wrong. I liked Andre, I really did. But dear Lord, was that boy judgmental on a good day.

My favorite thing about not being in the 80s? The fashion. The stuff back then makes my little fashion designer heart cry now.

Jul. 26th, 2020


I don't suppose anyone has seen the Doctor? She hasn't been on the ship from what I can find, so many rooms, and TARDIS is starting to make some interesting noises.


I'm trying this whole thing where I'm making pizza from scratch. Fresh dough and all. And, I'm not really sure what I like on my pizza, all I've had since coming here is cheese and bacon.

What is everyone's favorite toppings? Just so I can try a few out.


If you want, you can come over. I've made a ton of dough.


Who: Jo Harvelle + Penny Kirkman
When: Today
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: None likely
Status: Closed, Complete

~*~*~*~ )


You know, there are some days where I'm really surprised my son's first word wasn't an obscenity.

I mean, with Wade around, the odds were a solid fifty-fifty. (I love you, man, but it's the truth.)


Who: Chris Argent and Open
What: Grabbing lunch and working on something
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Hinkle's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 25th, 2020


Who: Owen Harper and Open
What: Drinking to avoid thinking
When: Saturday evening
Where: Lou's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~ )


[Invitation sent to the friends of Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov]
On slightly shimmery stationery with flecks of purple and gold: You are cordially invited to the wedding of Sydney Sage and Adrian Ivashkov, to take place Saturday, September 5, at sunset. [address] Reception to follow, gifts are appreciated but not required. Please R.S.V.P at [email address].
Adrian and I will be getting married September 5th. While the ceremony is mainly for our friends to attend, we'd like to invite everyone to the reception which will begin at 8pm at [address]. We hope to see you all there!


I have been informed by some soft scientist that making physics students cry is morally reprehensible and will send me to Hell.

First of all, if they don't cry during 300 and above physics classes, especially Quantum Mechanics and Advanced Quantum Mechanics, then they're just being coddled. Second, might as well prepare them for the real world.

Last, I don't believe in Hell. Unless we're talking about that one planet run by a Goa'uld, and then that might be considered Hell.


Are you still moving this weekend? Or is it next? Since I've been conscripted to help you.


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Open
What: Being thinky (don't worry, it's the good kind)
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kenzi and OPEN
What: Bad memories leads to the need for drinking
When: Saturday
Where: whatever bar works for you other than Verdant because too fancy lol
Rating: Low

Trying to get blackout drunk )

Jul. 24th, 2020


Who: Fernando Morales and Dorian Pavus
What: Something like a date
When: Backdated to Thursday evening
Where: The Musain
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

It's more than that. )


I've never had the need to possess money before, what does one typically spend it on? I don't eat or drink, and Madison Valley is much more cleaner than New Scranton so I've no need for extensive maintenance besides the usual 30-day systems check and realignment.

Also, I think I'd like to contribute to Madison. What sort of job positions need to be filled? Existence here has been very lonesome quiet otherwise.


Who: Lilly
What: Operation "Pick A Book" is a go
When: Friday evening
Where: Home
Status/Rating Narrative/Low

Butterfly in the sky, I can fly twice and high )


[Private to Penny]
Do you want to invite your friends over for a slumber party tomorrow? We can order pizza and make popcorn and watch movies and all that fun stuff.

[Added later; Filter to Lucifer, Chloe, Mazikeen, & Fury]
Penny will be inviting Trixie and Lyra over for a sleepover tomorrow night. I wanted to let you all know that it's fine with me and I'll be here to keep an eye on them.


Private to Natasha )

Jul. 23rd, 2020


Who: Sara Lance and Tandy Bowen
What: Chatting
Where: their house
When: Thursday afternoon
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~+~ )


[Filtered to Nyssa]

Can I convince you to give me some lessons with a few less conventional weapons?


Filter to 18+

There will be an adult gathering at the strip club this Saturday.

We'll provide plenty of lube and condoms.


Private to: Wanda M. & Natasha R.

[Wanda & Natasha]
Is Steve being weird to either one of you two today?


Who: Deirdre and Leo Valdez
What: random
Where: Park
When: Afternoon
Warnings: D's got a mouth on her?
Status: closed, in progress

Oh well then )


Who: Liz Parker and Rowan Fricks, then Shawn Hunter
What: Meeting at Starbucks, then meeting Shawn at their house
When: Friday 24
Where: Starbucks, Hunter home
Rating: low

Whoops )



Hey. Is everything alright?


Text to Sara

» It has been a long time
» How are you?



Homebrew has some food and drink specials this week - I hope to see you there.

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