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Sep. 5th, 2021


WHO: Cora Hale and OPEN
WHAT: Getting coffee
WHEN: Monday morning
WHERE: Starbucks
WARNINGS: TBD, probably
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Aug. 31st, 2021



So I met your girlfriend. She seems nice. How did you get a nice girlfriend

She also suggested we have dinner soemetime.


So apparently I'm being corralled into dinner with Peter.

Aug. 19th, 2021


Who: Tess Doerner and Cora Hale
What: Just randomly meeting
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 31st, 2021


WHO: Cora Hale and Kitty Norville
WHAT: A Werewolf Meeting
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: On the street outside Horst's Little Bakery Haus
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 27th, 2021


Does Madison Valley usually do things that crazy?

I know I've only been here for a few months but I swear I'm going to just live in the woods as a hermit if it does stuff like that very often.

Jul. 21st, 2021


Who: Stiles and Cora
Where: Cora's apt
When: Wednesday night
What: Stiles checks up on Cora
Status: Closed/Finished
Warnings: None

~*~ )

Jul. 15th, 2021


WHO: Cora Hale and OPEN Nick Sorrentino
WHAT: Staying away from the weirdness
WHERE: The Woods
WHEN: Friday morning
STATUS: Open/Complete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jul. 1st, 2021


Why is it so hot?

I've spent all day laying naked under the ceiling fan, sweating.

Jun. 25th, 2021


So fourth of July is coming up and I'm wondering what this place does for veterans and for people with really sensitive hearing.

I'd prefer not to be traumatized by fireworks all night, thanks.

May. 28th, 2021


I wish my brother was here. I'm sure he'd hate it, but I don't care. I'd just like to see him again.

Or my mom. Apparently she was here before. And Laura.


Hey. We should hang out sometime. Burgers and venting?


So. Since I'm still stuck here and that doesn't seem to be changing, I was thinking of taking some college classes to pass the time.

Want to join me?

May. 17th, 2021


[Beacon Hills/other Werewolves/the rest of the Supernatural Community]

In case anyone's interested, or anyone sees us together, yes, I'm kind of seeing Stiles.


So since it's either get a job or go to college in the fall, I think I'm going to start looking into going to college in the fall. Anyone else starting this year?

May. 15th, 2021


Lovely, another weekend in Madison Valley.

What shall I do? Watch the corn grow? Or maybe I can find some drying paint to keep me really excited.


We have another Star Wars movie to watch.

And I'd like to hang out again anyway. If you do.

[Added later, to Kate Danvers]

So, let's try this girl talk?


May. 10th, 2021


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: Malia, Scott, Stiles's Housewarming Party
WHEN: Backdated to yesterday
WHERE: 242 Fairmount Drive
WARNINGS: TBD, let me know if I need to lock it or anything
STATUS: Open/Party Thread

~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 8th, 2021


Who: Melinda and Cora
When: Saturday evening
Where: The Park
What: Melinda is having troubles with her spell writing/Match-Up
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: Not at the moment.

Spells were not a strong point )

May. 7th, 2021


[Filtered to Supernaturals]

Okay, so, I have a question. Does regular hormonal birth control work for werewolves?

I was going to go to the clinic but I wanted to know if any of you have any experience with that.

May. 4th, 2021


cut for image )

Yes, I'm a nerd. Shut up.

May. 3rd, 2021


Ok, exactly when did we uproot to the Pacific Northwest? So over this rain.

May. 1st, 2021


It's just rain, guys.

Nice, warm, spring rain.

Took a run in it this morning and it wasn't half bad.

Apr. 27th, 2021


So apparently I didn't need to worry. Last night went okay.


Thanks. For everything.


Next time? We need a better system. I'm not even sure what that would be.

Apr. 19th, 2021


Over a week now and I'm still here. Shit.

Is there anything to do here other than go to Walmart and hook up? Or hook up at Walmart? Because I'm really done with this place. And I miss my brother. And, you know, not being kidnapped.

[Beacon Hills]

Would everyone like to have a movie night at my apartment? I'm lonely. I'll order pizza?


Who: Karrin Murphy & OPEN
What: She's making sure she doesn't get another bruised jaw
When: Monday
Where: Fight Science Gym/Combat Sports Academy
Warning: TBD
Status: Open/incomplete

Come at me, bro )

Apr. 13th, 2021


Okay, there's one decent thing about this place.

After my run this morning, I went to Horst's Little Bakery Haus and I'm not embarrased to say that I ate a dozen donuts in one sitting. Yum.


Want some? I've got some leftovers.

Apr. 11th, 2021


[Filtered to Werewolves and friends of Werewolves]

So, there’s a super moon this month?


[Beacon Hills]

Ever since the vault I don’t trust myself for weird things like this. Anyone got chains or a ring of mountain ash for me?

Apr. 10th, 2021


WHO: Cora Hale and Stiles Stilinski
WHAT: Cora's arrival
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Cora's apartment
WARNINGS: TBD, likely low
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Seriously? Indiana?

Very funny. I need to get back to my pack.
