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Aug. 31st, 2020


Wow, it's hard to believe I've been here over two weeks. And it'll be September starting tomorrow, which means Fall is really just around the corner, thank God. But yeah, all my bumps, cuts and bruises have healed up enough so I don't look like I've beaten by a redneck undead guy so I think it's time I start looking for a job here.


Who: Sam and Dean
Where: In town.
When: After arriving.
What: Reunited.
Warnings: Language.

Sammy, are you here? )


Who: Llewellyn Cornick & Adam Vasic
What: Being cute
Where: Combat Therapy
When: Today
Warnings: nah
Status: complete

~+~+~+~ )


For such a sleepy town, when things happen, things happen in busy waves. Dome's on a tear again, isn't it?

[Chris Argent]
I haven't thrown anything at you in awhile. I feel this is a tragedy.


I am actually looking forward to autumn, and that might just be because I want to wear long sleeves and not sweat my skin off. I swear summer and I were not meant for each other. Ironic being from Mississippi, ha! genetics are a cruel, cruel joke.


Who: Jake and Octavia
What: Jake's arrival
When: Sunday
Where: In town
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed

Read more... )


Of course, this happens soon after speed dating.

Henry Tudor and his daughter are gone. My kid looses another friend.

For once, the temptation to take a 'mental health day', is extremely tempting.


Look, Dome, I did not need two annoyed Ravens to deal with this week. Take anyone else from my Settlement and friends this week and I'm feeding you to them. They are a hungry pair of birds.


For those who know her, Narcissa Black has left again. No, she is not coming back, I hope as her room was completely empty. I am once again the sole Malfoy in town.

This means I can wander about my house naked.

Aug. 30th, 2020


For those who knew him, seems Grimnir Wednesday's gone back to the land of a thousand fuck-yous.

First Shadow and now


Another month. Another Constantine slipping through my fingers. Clearly someone is trying to tell me I should let go.


The speed dating event made me realize that I need to get out more as I don't know a lot of people here and don't have much of a social life.


When I lost my first guardian -- I do not need a new one, Legolas and his family kindly took me in after Elrond was taken back to his world -- I lost the one who was teaching me magic. I have heard that you might be willing to help with this?

My name is Evie and I am friends with Jill.


[Jeffrey Spender]
Since I commandeered half your table the other night, I thought I'd offer you a place at mine. Would you like to join me and Shosanna for dinner some night?


I have no idea what to do with myself since I can't be a cop. Other than that, life here is pretty good.


Text to Logan

>> okay
>> for a WEEK
>> did you meet anyone special
>> do I get to give them the whole
>> if you hurt my brother, I'll eviscerate you, speech


I would very much like to learn more about this Halloween holiday.


Although I wish my sister had not signed me up without telling me, I did not have a horrible time at the speed dating event last week.


As much as I know this fact full well, I'm always vaguely surprised by the fact that I don't know what to do with myself when I have a day completely off.

Aug. 29th, 2020


One of the things that's always going to amaze me about this place is the weather. No matter what it is, I still get taken by surprise some days.


It's strange how sometimes utilizing a skill you've got still lands you in a job that's just about nothing like what you used to do.


Who: Savannah Levine and Kristof Nast
When: Saturday
What: Talking
Where: Kristof's House
Warnings: Mention of Murder, Death, and Demons
Status: Closed | In Progress

~Now~ Was A Lot Sooner Than She Expected ~Soon~ To Be )


One night to be just us, one night to dance and sing

« Who: Merlin & Phryne
« What: Date night
« When: Todayish
« Where: Locations
« Content Warnings: TBD, but its Merlin and Phryne, so probably middle to high for sexiness.

One night to love and live, one night for joy to ring )


Who: Wade and OPEN
What: Random encounter
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Blue Cerebus Dog Bakery & Boutique
Rating: Language, TBD

the dog goes woof woof. )


I am very much looking forward to the Autumn season arriving -- and with it the parties and gatherings season that it signals the beginning of.


Merlin, my dear, I believe it has been too long since we had a nice romantic night together.


As much as summer provides a wonderful backdrop for taking pictures, I am looking forward to fall and the leaves changing. Oh and taking pictures of people in their Halloween costumes. That's always fun.


[Captain Steve Rogers]
Hello, I hope you are well. If it isn't too last minute, I'd like to make good on my offer last week, and my sister and I would like to have you over for dinner this evening.



Are you still annoyed with me for signing you up for that dating event thing?


So I'm awake at what for me is an ungodly damn hour on one of my days off and I just realized we're two months away from Halloween.

I'm expecting the weird, spooky memes and stuff to start showing up on my office door any day now. Yes, Jaime, I'm looking at you.

Aug. 28th, 2020


There are times I still can't believe this is my life now.

Then there are times where I had a good day at work and I'm watching the sunset while ruining my dinner (sorry, John) by eating some sort of orange ice cream with chocolate chips and I'm just kind of okay with it all now.


[Jedikiah, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves]
I was thinking - how about the four of us have lun this weekend? Or dinner?
[Chris Argent + Bo Dennis]
I thought I'd just check and see how you guys are.


I just want to be sure, the final fitting is at 10:30 tomorrow, right? I think that's what I wrote down, but I spilled some coffee on my planner and now it's a smear and I just want to make sure.


Who: Zari Tomaz and Alec Lightwood
What: Donuts!
Where: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
When: Sometime last week
Warning: Low
Status: Closed/Completed Gdoc

~+~+~+~ )


It's going to feel strange not having my sister here next month for my birthday. I've never not celebrated it with her before.


Who: Sydney & Adrian
When: A couple days ago
What: Cake!
Where: Their home
Warnings: You might need a dentist trip after this
Status: Closed | In Progress

~*~*~*~ )


Know what happens when you don't pay attention to dates? You miss stuff like the fact that you've been in town for five years.

Yeah, that was back at the beginning of the month. I blame having kids.


Ever have one of those mornings where you end up forgetting so many things that you start wondering what you missed by not getting out of the house on time?

Yeah, that was this morning. In order: keys, wallet, ID badge, wallet again, and phone charger.


Penelope Garcia

Hey! What are you doing tonight?


Who: Hayley Marshall and Jo Harvelle
What: Girls with guns
When: Friday afternoon
Where: Madison Shooting Range
Warnings: None
Status: Completed gdoc

Things that go bang )


WHO: Levi Ackerman and Open
WHAT: Levi has decided to go out and find food.
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
WHEN: August 28, early morning
WARNINGS: TBD, likely none
STATUS: Open/Complete

Now this was a way to start the day. )

Aug. 27th, 2020


WHO: Cole S. and Kenzi M.
WHAT: Random meeting
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: Tonight
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


WHO: John Young and The Doctor
WHAT: Random Meeting
WHEN: This evening
WHERE: Walmart
WARNINGS: TBD, probably not
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )


So I've been here a while now and I guess it's not that bad. Not that it could be any worse than Roswell, anyway.


Hey, how you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while and you've got me a bit worried.


On one hand, I'm kind of sorry I missed out on speed dating, but on the other hand I'm pretty damn happy I've got a boyfriend and didn't have to go through the whole "here's five minutes to decide if you're compatible with the person sitting across from you" thing. I went to one of those back home and it was basically a meat market, analog Grindr.

So if I haven't said it recently.. Yuuri, thank you for being my boyfriend.


No matter how long I'm here, I think it's always going to feel a little strange preparing for classes. I never expected to end up teaching again, and here I am.


There's almost nothing I love more than turning someone over to my equally qualified but very female coworker when they have a question just because they're assuming Lucy doesn't know something.

The guy's face turned some very interesting shades of red.

Aug. 26th, 2020



How did you like speed dating?


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Amara Namani
What: Talking about school
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Their apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Phil Coulson and Kitty Pryde
What: Date night
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The Musain
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


For anyone that knew him, it looks like Fili has returned to Middle Earth.


And so he goes to his death and it is horrid.


I think I literally just found every single way possible known to man that I could, without actually sounding rude, tell a customer she was being an idiot.

You cannot return things to us that you bought anywhere else. I thought everybody to ever exist knew that.

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