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Nov. 1st, 2023


( Margo Hanson )

Do you want to come with me to visit a reindeer?

( Kristoff Bjorgman )

Can a friend and I come visit you and Sven?

( Hannibal King )



[Filtered to Margo]

I know we just had an orgy, but that was before the Dome sent home my boyfriend.

Up for throwing one? I can help. Gives me practice for Beltane since Vasic might not be here to throw it.

Oct. 15th, 2023


For those who give a shit, Eliot Waugh is no longer in Madison Valley. I'm really only posting this for his boss, I don't care about anyone else.

Oh, and for his people, it appears Josh Rosza is gone too. I tried reaching him when I couldn't get a hold of Eliot, and got the same 'does not exist' shit for his number.


I think I'm going to head out and be destructive and possibly end up in jail. Wanna be my bail buddy?

Oct. 9th, 2023


[please pretend this was posted up earlier in the day]

OK I'm not going crazy am I? There is literally no daylight?

Magicians Only

Is everyone doing okay here?


Do we still want to go out? I had been wanting to enjoy the nice weather and such but well...we could just enjoy the lack of moonlight? LOL

Sep. 30th, 2023


Who: Josh and Margo
What: meeting over dinner
Where: Red Pepper
When: Sat. evening
Warnings: probably none?
Status: closed

Read more... )

Aug. 28th, 2023


I just don't understand some people and that's all I have to say.

Aug. 14th, 2023


Locked to Magicians (back dated to Sunday)

SO long story short: Teddy is here. Yes, that one from that bubble universe where I had a whole family.

I'm taking time off while he's here, don't mind me freaking out over this.

Aug. 13th, 2023


Why is this place letting me be responsible for a small child? I can't even manage responsibility for myself!

Aug. 12th, 2023


I have a kid.

I'm not sure what to do with this information.


Who: Margo Hanson, Billy Butcher, assorted children
What: Waking up to madness
When: Saturday morning
Where: Butcher’s place
Warnings: Language, kids, Margo & Butcher
Status: Completed GDoc

You kiss your mother with that mouth? )

Aug. 5th, 2023


Guess who's back, bitches.

Eliot, is my house still in one piece, or have you turned it into a frat house yet? My closet better be intact.