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Dec. 7th, 2013



How are you doing? Settling in okay?


So I don't fucking get it.

Football's supposed to be all about fighting to protect your quarterback so he can score, or fighting to take out the other guy's, right?

So what the hell do they penalize you for unnecessary roughness for? Roughness isn't unnecessary if it's what you've gotta do to win.


So how am I supposed to deal with this?

Oh, hi, I'm dead, pass the bloody peas?


Filtered to Rebekah and Hayley

I don't

I can't

Will you teach me to defend myself? To fight back so whenif my magic goes away I can still protect myself? I know Klaus and Elijah have promised to protect me, but if my magic goes away and I'm just a teenager again, I don't want to be helpless.

Dec. 5th, 2013


Filtered From The Town Council

I am not going back to that school. They try to teach some of the most ridiculous things and when you try to point out the incorrect information, they threaten you with some kind of disciplinary action. Disciplinary action?! For speaking the truth?! I know the history of Louisiana and different witch trials a lot better than most people and she was wrong. That bitch should be very relieved that I kept my temper and left when she decided to send me to the damn principal.

I came home instead and I refuse to go back. Surely there are people that are willing to be tutors? Elijah? Klaus? I'm sure you could tutor me in anything I need to know like Marcel did?

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Oh, hey, this place does have its moments. I found my favorite axe sitting on my coffee table when I got up this morning.

Dec. 2nd, 2013


Characters: Rebekah and OTA
Setting: The park and then heading to Klaus's home.
Summary: Rebekah's been invited. She's going.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Language; maybe a bit of violence.

She was lacking in patience. )


Oh, joy. All the confusion without actually having to step through an anomaly. I'm so thrilled, really I am.


While I do appreciate the money and the welcome, I really won't be staying.

Dec. 1st, 2013


Um, hello?

My name is Gwen Shepherd. I'm not entirely sure where I am or how I got here. I can't seem to reach my mum or my friend, Lesley, with this phone.

Has anyone heard of the Lodge of Count Saint-Germain? They should be able to help me get home.

And, um, this might sound crazy, but what year is it?