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Jun. 21st, 2020


Adad (Elrond)

This place is odd as it only has one day to celebrate fathers. But as we are in their world, I would like to give you celebrations on this day.



I know you're not actually our father, but you are our guardian and it seems today is a special day for male guardians and fathers so I hope it is a good day for you.

Mar. 18th, 2020


( Arwen, Tauriel, Aragorn, Fili, Link, and Elrond )

I have purchased this house. You all are more than welcome to move in.

Link, I already have a room set aside for you.

Mar. 16th, 2020


Ok, so I've only been here a few days and I am already losing people and confused.

Lord Elrond, are you still here?


Mar. 14th, 2020


This is far away from Los Angeles.. or even the LA I know. No Elves or other Orcs. Just humans mostly.

Has anyone seen my partner? He's an LAPD officer named is Daryl Ward and he's an angry emotionally-constipated human male with dark skin.

Mar. 6th, 2020


« Who: Elrond and Alfie
« What: random meeting and Matchup
« When: recently
« Where: The library
« Content Warnings: TBD, maybe swearing? Also, Elrond

No mortal realm quite soothed his spirits as much as a library and thus had it always been. Elrond enjoyed the quiet and the gathering of knowledge and resources in such a place. He felt that it made it much more tolerable to be around people and the noises of this time and place when he was surrounded by books. Mind you, he did not mind humans as they were called now. He loved the Race of Man. How could he not, when his brother had chosen that path?

But he did, sometimes, need refuge, and so he sought the quiet of the library.

Today, he was sitting in one corner of it, a rather large number of books on the table before him. They were in two stacks. One, those he had not read, was in a rapidly reducing stack. The second, those he had, was in a rapidly increasing stack. So much so that a librarian kept coming by to take away books he was done with, and occasionally to quiz him on things, not believing him that he had read and retained so much. Elrond did not mind so much. Humans were... odd.

He was on one book when he realized it referenced another, and he rose to go find the one it referenced. Finding that it was on a rather tall spot on bookshelves, he lanced around for a librarian, did not spot one, then with a shrug, he drew himself in and concentrated. With careful precision, he leaped from one spot to another, hand and toeholds that no other could likely use easily propelling him to the spot he needed. Finally, he had the book in hand, and leaped down, landing silently and unnoticed.

Or so he thought, until he realized he had an audience of one.


Who: Mal
What: Indiana musical numbers?
Where: town, walking around
When: [backdated to:] Wednesday, 3/4, afternoon
Warnings: Low. Teenage angst.
Status: Open

I'm some place like home? )

Mar. 1st, 2020


Voice Post

What new darkness?

Has Sauron caused this?


What the hell?

No. No. I was supposed to be on my way to Paris.