April 2024




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Apr. 22nd, 2024


It seems even the vegetarians are on strike today. All the stores can't seem to move their mushrooms.

Mar. 1st, 2024


I can't get into the Underworld from here.

I can still Shadowtravel, but I can't get back home. If I try it's like I slam my head into something.

Feb. 29th, 2024


Death of the Endless

I am intrigued by you.

Would you care to meet for dinner?

Feb. 14th, 2024


Happy Valentine's Day! What could be more glorious than celebrating love? I am not currently being courted, but I am still celebrating this day. I wish I could pick some flowers to put in my home. I wish you all happy and joy today.

Feb. 12th, 2024



Did you enjoy yourself at speed dating, brother?


Would you care to join me for dinner?

Mickey Milkovich

Come over tonight?

Jan. 29th, 2024


Did anyone else catch some of the films this weekend? I got sucked into a few of the documentaries, namely the one about Frida Kahlo, Brian Eno and Devo. They were really freaking good.


Today has been a day and it's still morning.

I hate it and I want to come home from school.

Jan. 26th, 2024


My daughters are finally at that age where their interests are really starting to differ and wow, I was not prepared for this.


Why an I in the mood for burgers, fries and a good movie?

Any suggestions on what I should watch?

Jan. 25th, 2024


I wonder how many of the people who've met someone at speed dating over the years are still here?

Also, damn, just made myself feel old with stopping to think about how long speed dating's been a thing.

Jan. 24th, 2024


The latest bout of weirdness made me think for a second. What was everybody's first major bit of weird that they experienced? Or that they remember, at least.

Mine was that godawful medieval trip a couple years ago. Absolutely could have done without being a Puritan, thank you very much.

Jan. 19th, 2024


Endless Siblings

It's been about a month that I've been here and we still haven't had a family dinner.

Dream: I will do all the cooking and cleaning if you are okay with us hosting it.

Desire: Let me know when would be a good day for you and BE NICE!!

Dec. 24th, 2023


( Alyssa Gardner )

Hello, beautiful.

It has been too long.

( Siblings )

Are we playing avoid Desire?

Mickey -- filtered for language. )

Dec. 10th, 2023


Who dares to entrap me once more? To keep me from my realm?

Do they not realize the damage done the last time someone kidnapped me and kept me from fulfilling my duty? The Dreaming has only begun to recover. I have only just started to fix what was ruined when I was locked away for decades.