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Mar. 21st, 2022


[Filtered to Supernaturals]

Hello, my name is Charles Xavier and in my world I am the headmaster of a school for young mutants who have developed extraordinary powers.

I am also a geneticist, and my research is in genetic mutation.

I am asking if there are any of you who would be willing to share a small sample of your blood with me in order to further my research. Back home I do not have such a fantastic mix of people with such different abilities and I think it could certainly help me to understand a great deal.

This is entirely voluntary, and if you are uncomfortable with the prospect then you need not volunteer.

Mar. 6th, 2022


As Queen I never had a traditional job, but I was wondering if there would be an opening for a teacher, librarian or a bookstore that would need some assistance cataloging their collection?

I've always loved History and Literature, so sharing my knowledge has always been a major bonus for me.

Mar. 3rd, 2022


Who: Frigga & Nora Valkryie
Where: Mind, Body & Spirit Therapeutic and then off for some shopping
When: Thursday Evening
What: Girl's Day out
Status: Ongoing and Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Spending time with her new family )

Jan. 26th, 2022


I'm not sure what it says about me that I have to start thinking about Valentine's Day now in order to actually manage something special for my girlfriend.

Oh, wait. Yes I am. It says I'm still clueless.

Jan. 25th, 2022


So, heads up to people who know me. It's my birthday next month (19th February).

I'll try not to be too much of an asshole about it, but it's going to be a rough time for me.

Jan. 19th, 2022


I went shopping today and I must say I don't understand Midgard fashion.

Jan. 2nd, 2022


Who: Frigga & OTA
Where: Ten Pin Alley
When: Sunday around dinner time
What: Frigga's first time bowling
Status: Ongoing and Open
Warnings: None for Now

Another new experience )

Dec. 4th, 2021


Who: Nora Valkyrie and Frigga
What: Nora searches for Loki, finds Frigga.
Where: Loki and Frigga's place.
When: Saturday, December 4. Afternoon.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Closed.

Wait till you're announced, we've not yet lost all our graces. )


Alright, so since it has been a while since I have done a movie marathon event, I am planning on doing a Christmas movie marathon! I don't know what day yet, but it is happening.

Dec. 2nd, 2021


I think my favorite part of this world is the food. There are so many options.


I will admit the lights are quite charming.

Nov. 21st, 2021


I must say I rather enjoyed my first trip to the Den.

Nov. 20th, 2021


Who: Frigga and OTA
Where: The Den
When: Saturday Night
What: Exploring
Status: Ongoing and open
Warnings: TBD

Certainly seemed interesting.... )

Nov. 9th, 2021


Well, this is disgusting.

Nov. 7th, 2021


Who dares kidnap a queen from her Palace? You're sorely mistaken if you think me a Damsel in distress. I do not require my sons or king to defend me.