April 2024




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Apr. 29th, 2024


Who: Jenna & Elijah & Kayla
What: Jenna arriving to town
Where: On the streets of MV.
When: Day Jenna arrived [Backdated!]
Warnings: Some talk about death, vampires, and more so a little mediumish to be safe.
Status: Completed gdoc

++++ )

Apr. 21st, 2024


That was one way of seeing what this place is capable of, and I'm glad it's over. This place really decided to go for the whole sink or swim, but I managed.

How is everyone doing after that ordeal? Does anyone need anything?

Apr. 18th, 2024


I don’t know who knows him here since he’s new, I think, but a guy named Zuko died fighting with my best friend.

I’m sorry.

Apr. 15th, 2024


I haven't touched them or anything but poisonous mushrooms that turn people into zombies? This is really really bad....I think I am going to hunker down at home.

Please stay put. I'll do all the baking that you want and we can watch movies or anything you'd like until this is all over.

Apr. 8th, 2024


I should know better than to ensure my dad is playing nice with someone on the network.

Well...if the someone is female and over the age of majority.

Note to self:
Return to not perusing the network and finish this paper.

What has been seen cannot be unseen

Apr. 2nd, 2024


I've already had two explanations on this place with one a lot better than the other. I heard there are some people around here who I may know. For everyone else, I'm Jenna, and a newbie. Since recently, it seems to be drop a lot of shocking information in my direction, I may as well welcome anything else anyone wants to add. Bound to get some surprises in this place from what I hear.

And better to keep my mind off what may be happening at home.

[Elena G.]
Elijah told me you were here. Are you okay?