April 2024




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Jun. 1st, 2023


Who: Finn and Rey
What: A friendly talk
When: After Beltane, May 1 (Backdated)
Where: Their House
Rating: low

Kriffing hell )

May. 31st, 2023


Who: Loki and David Rose
What: Time together
When: Early May
Where: David’s place
Warning: Low
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Birthday suit, just a smile. )


Who: Jack Kline & Dean Winchester
Where: Axe Throwing
When: After the birthday debacle.
Warnings: none

Naked people freak me out... )


Never been so bloody bored in all my life.

( Frigga )

Care to help make a man a little less bored?

May. 30th, 2023


( Ciri )

You and Ellie looked very lovely for prom. Pretty, even.

...what are your intentions with Ellie?


I keep thinking I'm hearing something in my apartment.

That doesn't generally mean anything good for me. Usually means the odds are pretty high I'm in trouble.


Who Clark Kent and Connor Kent.
What: Connor sets fire to the school library.
When: Earlier this month.
Where: School library.
Warnings: Fire!

I can't stand to fly. )


So very, very glad my day is over. Not only was it a surprisingly busy day at work, but I got to spend a lovely half hour in line at Walmart while waiting to return something. Some woman was yelling at the poor employee and I'm still not entirely sure what about. I mostly just wanted to stay out of it.


I'm pretty sure every single customer I had to deal with today felt like they just had to find something wrong.

For the record, none of them had a valid problem.


I decided to watch Human Centipede and all I have to say is...


Should have watched Nailed It instead.

May. 29th, 2023


[Johanna Mason]

After fear gas bullshit and everything else, I think you + me + whoever else = need to go out for some fun and trouble. What do you think?


[Chris Argent]

Hey, I'm feeling a bit restless and figured I'd see if you were up for either a sparring match or some shooting. I guess it depends on which one you feel like losing.


( Thorin )

I think I would like it very much if you joined me in my bed tonight.

...to sleep.

Unless, of course...


It's really weird to sit here and realize I've got two years of college behind me.

May. 28th, 2023


So, a question for everyone who got the urge to clean yesterday.

What's the strangest or most random thing you found?


Anyone seen Steve Harrington?

I doubt it but I decided to check to verify my fears.


As much as I love spending time with my daughter, I really do need to get out more often. But it's been decades since I have had to find a hobby of my own. Any suggestions?


Being here without my usual work, my love of art is returning. Perhaps, I should start teaching.


All of that cleaning and I still have energy to burn. Anyone care to join me for a sparring session?

May. 27th, 2023


Weird, got an urge to clean my apartment. That's so odd. Thought it was fine before but now there's more space at least. What the bloody hell


Krypto is literally eating through any money I had...And some very expensive earbuds that STAR Labs had created for me and he ate them out of boredom spite. Anyone else have a dog that might want to run ten miles with another one? Think he has some energy to burn.


Who: Conner and Dick (feat Scarecrow)
What: Dick tries to take down Scarecrow, Attacks Conner. The usual
When: May 14, Evening (Backdated)
Where: The Park
Rating: low

Fight ‘Til The End )


Got hit with the urge to clean out the office today at work and for all I keep things highly organized, I still somehow managed to find paperwork from before Piper and I took over the Musain tucked in a book. How the hell that happened, I'll never know.


We're having an impromptu garage sale at [address]. I didn't think we were thinking of having one, but there just seems to be so much we don't actually need!


Has anyone else gotten the urge to just clean up their place? An urge that seemed to have come completely out of nowhere. I plan to do my best to ignore it as it came far too suddenly to be normal. Not that there is much in this place that I haven't already cleaned.


Who: Allison, Kayla, Kol
What: family dinner
Where: their house
When: Mother’s Day
Warnings: possibly swearing. It’s Kayla.
Status: completed via g-doc

~+~+~+~ )

May. 25th, 2023


Who: Malia Tate and Open
What: She's just going for a run
When: Thursday morning
Where: The park
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Alyssa, Freya, Rebekah
What: dance party!
Where: Bex’s and Alyssa’s house
When: early May
Warnings: low
Status: completed via g-doc

For there is no friend like a sister/In calm or stormy weather;/To cheer one on the tedious way )


Who: Leo Fitz and Open
What: Randomly running into someone -- literally
When: Thursday morning
Where: The casino
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Chuuya Nakahara and Jaskier.
What: Random wants Jaskier murdered Match-up, random encounter.
When: Thursday, May 25. Afternoon.
Where: Near the museum.
Warnings: Jaskier and Chuuya are warnings.
Status: Closed | Incomplete | Match-up.

I don't want you to leave won't you hold my hand? )


( WAMM )

I believe Veronica and Leo have both been sent home. It is unlike them to not come to work.

( Jessica Jones )

Dinner tonight? And whiskey?

( Enid Sinclair )

Are you going to the prom this weekend?

Do you need a dress?


This place is huge. I still miss home.

It's interesting that so many people know an older version of me.

Anakin! We should get ice cream.

May. 24th, 2023


[Leo V]

Hey, I'm figuring you had heard about the prom thing that will be happening. I wanted to see if you were wanting to go with me? You don't need to, but I thought I'd ask.


Who: Dan and Elena
What: date night
Where: Tulip Festival
When: backdated to May 20th
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed

~+~+~+~ )


[Filtered to Hargreeves + Rowan]

Sound off, super siblings (and Ro)!

Has anyone heard from or seen Five lately? All of the daily memes I send to him are bouncing back undeliverable. Ugh


I have to admit that tulips are gorgeous.

I can even get past the constant sneezing for how pretty they are.

Although I could deal without Rory walking around and calling me Sneezy.

[ooc: backdated to the 20th]


It's hard to believe that my youngest child turned six today. Feels like just yesterday she was learning to walk.


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Open
What: Just a quick trip to run an errand
When: Wednesday morning
Where: The library
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open

~+~+~+~ )

May. 23rd, 2023


Who: Pepper & Chloe Decker
What: Run in
When: 5/23
Where: The Winery
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

A wine for every occasion. )


My daughter's birthday is in a week and a half.

She's going to be eight. Where did the time go?


Henry is healing up nicely, so I thought I would take him out to get a treat. Anyone want to tag along?

May. 22nd, 2023


I most certainly can say that this weekend will be a weekend where I have nothing planned nor do I have to work or do any schoolwork. Whatever shall a girl like me do?


[Filtered to Dr. Abs (Kyle Valenti, obviously)]

An adequate amount of time has passed since we got engaged. It's time to talk dates, venues, etc.


Who: Tess Doerner and Open
What: Shopping for art supplies
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Galatea's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


A friend at work missed my birthday the other day, and today when we both had a shift together she gave me a taco with a candle on it. I thought it was nice. And tasty.

[Dean W]

Thank you for my birthday dinner the other day, and the club after.

I'm sorry I got weird.


[Dean Winchester and Chloe Decker]

So, I got a house


Who: Gordon Malloy and Open
What: Grabbing some much needed caffeine
When: Monday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I think I need to see more of this place... I've not been out much. What are recommendations I should try for someone who hasn't tried much Earth Things?

Want to go out today? with me?

May. 21st, 2023


I think I need a spa day. Massage, body scrub, masks, mud bath and a facial. Followed by a nice pedicure and a manicure. Anyone want to join me?


Who: Melinda Halliwell and Spencer Reid (Match-up)
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Bookstore
What: Random encounter while Melinda is looking for new books
Status/Rating: Ongoing/PG-13ish
Warnings: No

When you run out of books to read, you go and get more )

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