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Mar. 30th, 2020


Who: Alfie and OPEN (multiples welcome)
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The park
What: Visiting the ducks and having some peace
Rating: Usual language, TBD

Ya can call these rivers streets / Ya can tell ya self ya dreaming, buddy / But no sleep runs this deep )

Mar. 16th, 2020


This is a far cry from San Francisco, but obviously I'm not the only one this week who got their asses handed to them and dumped into this place. Never wanted to visit Indiana, still don't. So hey, kidnapped civilians. I'm Eddie Brock. The big guy is going to rip this place a new one and I can't stop him.

Mar. 9th, 2020


So apparently I clicked my heels, and I'm not in San Francisco anymore. And that's just a thing that happens here?

I need to find my sisters. Piper? Phoebe?

Mar. 6th, 2020


« Who: Elrond and Alfie
« What: random meeting and Matchup
« When: recently
« Where: The library
« Content Warnings: TBD, maybe swearing? Also, Elrond

No mortal realm quite soothed his spirits as much as a library and thus had it always been. Elrond enjoyed the quiet and the gathering of knowledge and resources in such a place. He felt that it made it much more tolerable to be around people and the noises of this time and place when he was surrounded by books. Mind you, he did not mind humans as they were called now. He loved the Race of Man. How could he not, when his brother had chosen that path?

But he did, sometimes, need refuge, and so he sought the quiet of the library.

Today, he was sitting in one corner of it, a rather large number of books on the table before him. They were in two stacks. One, those he had not read, was in a rapidly reducing stack. The second, those he had, was in a rapidly increasing stack. So much so that a librarian kept coming by to take away books he was done with, and occasionally to quiz him on things, not believing him that he had read and retained so much. Elrond did not mind so much. Humans were... odd.

He was on one book when he realized it referenced another, and he rose to go find the one it referenced. Finding that it was on a rather tall spot on bookshelves, he lanced around for a librarian, did not spot one, then with a shrug, he drew himself in and concentrated. With careful precision, he leaped from one spot to another, hand and toeholds that no other could likely use easily propelling him to the spot he needed. Finally, he had the book in hand, and leaped down, landing silently and unnoticed.

Or so he thought, until he realized he had an audience of one.

Feb. 29th, 2020


Who: Michael Guerin and Alfie Solomons
What: Alfie needs Geek Squad assistance
When: After this
Where: Starbucks
Rating: Language and tbd

Voice recognition, schmoice recognition.. )


This device is not working proper with my accent, and has gone to absolute shut.

No, I said shut. Shut. Ball locks.

Sumo come fix this, hay neigh horses. I didn't say anything boat bloody horses. Boat. Boat.

You ducking voice recognition, it don't recognize much does it. Someone help me fix this nonsense or figure out how to type things out, this is no bloody ducking typewriter.

Shut. Ducking. I am going to throw this in the ducking lake is what.

Feb. 23rd, 2020


[Voice Post]

Madison Valley, is it?

[a brief thoughtful pause]

..Yeh, right so I've got this little device 'ere, some lad was happy to teach me the functions of, an' a plastic rectai'ngle they say's got one thousand of your American dollars on it. Where? I don't see it.

This isn't no bloody Gehinnom. So what then? Maybe God's taken pity on me, yeh? Dead as a doornail sittin' round on my arse all day in some sort of futuristic town that don't smell of piss and shit.

[voice muffled, talking to someone while the post is still recording]
Is there a chemist 'round, I've need for some oils an' a bit of opium. No, opium.. Well then bugger off, right? ... Bloody hell's this thing sti --

Feb. 22nd, 2020


Who: Jason Mendoza and Alfie Solomons
What: Alfie's arrival into Madison
When: Saturday evening
Where: The fountain in the center of town Jess says there's one, blame her
Rating: Language, blood, talk of death, general anarchy.

C'mon Tommy, there's an honorable reason now to pull that trigger... )